Old Internet Sucked?

| So I used to go to YouTube with the specific search operator before:2016 and put in search terms to see what I could find on Old YT. Which sometimes I'd find stuff I liked or stuff that was comfortably "vintage." But one day I streamed that to a Discord friend and despite being around my age they eventually stopped me and essentially said "All of this sucks man. None of this is funny bc we aren't kids anymore."

| I tried to stand my ground because I was enjoying myself while they were choosing to be negative but at some point I watched a specific video and something clicked. The main factor of me watching all of this old shit is me wishing everything stayed the same. And at that point I was wondering if I was forcing myself to "like" this stuff because it was essentially memories.

| So tl;dr are our memories of the old internet better than what was actually on it?

| It's the stream to discord gurl!

| >>1026376 if that's what you wanna call me lol
I also did the thread where i cried about Poke Unite and a bunch of other stuff

| I like you and reading about your insights. I think there's times to enjoy nostalgia, but my problem is I find something I really do enjoy, and then I do it til I'm absolutely miserable doing it, but uncomfortable changing, and don't realize I need to change til far too late, so for me I'd assume old internet can be fun for me but I just did way too much of it.

What do you want to do now to get even better feelings? I did a little computers stuff today and it went ok.

| >>46d5ff I guess the main thing I can do to feel better is move forward. Which at this point is essentially "finish college" and "learn GameMaker." I don't have anything more complicated in mind right now.

| I'll just break you, we live for the moments and we should always move on.
If you don't, go and find people like you.
Based on this, you're living with less necessity to be dragged on than your friends, am I correct?
You're like, living it better or living it less aware.
Enjoy the run op ^^

| Well... since I'm in mood I'll also answer you.
Old internet was free. To do anything, this means you could find anything with a good range of time for it to become even more complex, like an artist perfecting their artstyle.(reference not intended)
Now let's inspect it, the people had less knowledge about the world and we were more sentimentally naive.

| We lived for discoveries and attempts to make new things.

HOWEVER we live in a society with value based on moneys.
So throw all the flowers and horror makeups out and make it all strictier when creating and become more appealing for the customers.
Play out for any sort of weird interests this "free" world votes to become popular and live on.

| So, old internet was raw and weak but at least it was genuine.
Today's internet is refined, stablizated and also becoming a reflection of the society. All we miss? An applicable regulation.

| >>37cd23 Your insight was very interesting. Thank you for commenting<3

| Finally, the antithesis to the "new internet sucks, old thing better :(((((" posts that come up every several months

for people that browse this site, yes. absolutely

| I believe life can't be enjoyed in a time ike this.
Once upon a time they said, "you shouldn't listen to the people on the internet" but it used to be a silly gate to keep the nerdy paradise alone.
Today, it's actually true, and I have to say that it'll become worse unless something happens(cit)
The difference? Nobody cares about the other, let alone warning you, since they're so busy getting the next apple of knowledge they can reach to.

| We're evolving faster, I feel sorry for whoever next group of myrtr will have to step up and speech some detailed morality again.
History is a greatly recorded for how worthless humans can be, sadly it lacks an impact of impression to those who didn't feel the suffering, or like any kind of it ever.

| Uhh, I don't want to have any more clue about this.
It's can't be defined after all.

| Your friends' receptors need instant dopamine dose. If the video isn't a 15 second TikTok then it's not funny because it takes too long.

| >>1026437 literally Mullet Madjack

| >>1026437 it's funny you mention short form content bc the video that broke them to flip out was less than a minute https://youtu.be/oFOmSv854Dw?si=mfcDlCZxLKCewAEx
i was laughing my ass off and they were just like "bro"

| I don't remember old internet sucking at all but maybe it feels that way because it had less content, because you always compare old stuff to your favorite stuff and few thing can hold up to your favorites.

The only major difference from pre-2016 internet is that it had a lot less vitrol back then. People weren't as politcal and they weren't as easily offended. Most users seemed to not care for established parties but today people will cry "PRAPOGANDUH!1" at first disagreement.

| >>1026473
I LOLed xD
So thanks for sharing gurl! Have sex and have fun : )

| You can't make me watch nostalgia critic again, I won't go back.

| Well there always were good videos and always were cringe ones

| >>1026563 so true bestie

| >>1026473 I loled

| >>1026473 idk what they're talking about this is still funny af lmao

| Offtopic but i don't think that friend will be talking with me for a good minute

| >>1026912 It is totally on-topic. Do you know why? Because, you sucked!

| There's nothing wrong with finding enjoyment in things, but I do think it's important to be critical of it as well. Nostalgia can be nice, but a recurring thing I've noticed with people who heavily indulge in nostalgia is also a resistance to change, or an idolisation of a time that had just as many problems as now but perceiving it as an ideal. Obviously not saying enjoying some old videos gets you stuck in the past, just that there seems to be some degree of overlap/correlation

| I find that I am quite nostalgiablinded, I have like no bad memories of anything pre-2012 at all. Obviously bad things happened but my nostalgia leads me to hold 2005-2010 on an impossibly high pedestal.

| I don't just like old internet, I like really old internet. Really old internet I still think is super awesome and most things were really creative. But like pre 2016 I think was just alright. Things like the Yogscast back then were my favorite but I def couldn't sit though 200+ episodes like I use to. Newgrounds, club penguin, Lego universe, flash games, text only game guides, social websites you could customize ur own page with css. That was the shit. 1999-2012, best time ever.

| One thing I found interesting about being a kid on the 90s internet was how everyone was into downloading celebrity autographs.
This is not super interesting in itself but after watching a documentary made sometime during 201X where they interviewed african children what they used their free school laptops for they were all into downloading celebrity autographs just like we were some 20+ years earlier.

| >>787f2e interesting to think of a collective internet age, like start off at idol worship and end at skibbidi toilet

| >>1026967
I admit I don't get this ironic "tHis Is ThE eNd Of HuMoR"-thing that is skibbidi toilet. It comes of as kinda forced tbh.

| >>1026913 tl;dr argument happened and i said smth harsh

| >>1026972
It's extremely cringe imo. It's literally just "kids find this funny so to prove I'm a big g/u/rl I'm gonna take any opportunity to say in exaggerated ways how unfunny I think it is" which is a very sad thing for grown adults to be doing

| I think maybe we're a little negative tonight g/u/rls. I was talking to a friend and I was talking and talking and she didn't reply to me for 5 minutes and the groupchat was active before I started posting and I think her and my other friend who looks good but I think it kinda prickly because she's had bad experiences and doesn't trust me and I worry she doesn't like me were talking behind my back about not liking me and then I came across this thread and oh shit you guys are

| losing your friends too and fighting and things are forced and fake and humor is all going wrong. I thought the first few were kinda funny but I'm tired of skibity toilet and hawk tua now. I don't like people saying things I'm tired of but I'm glad they're having fun if it's somewhere I'm not bothered. I definitely know how it is to keep on the fake excitement for far too long. I saw in the news apparently testosterone makes you less neurotic and more confident but also stupid.

| I probably have too much AND too little.

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