cycle of pleasure

| >shower
>use q tips to dry ears after shower
>q tips push earwax deep into ear
>get super satisfying ear cleaning done

i've solved happiness g/u/rls. fuck ciggies this is the real shit

| Pushing stuff deep into your ear is not safe for your eardrums

| Waaaah d-don’t hurt yourself ok?
But it was a cute post ~

| I was like 6 and pierced my eardrum because I pushed that fucker too deep

| >>1026349 Did you cum?

| >>1026349 that's what she said

| wait you guys dont use the q-tips to scoop the goop out?
you push it in?
also you can add boogers and other things to clog it quicker

| >>1026368
BASED G/U/RL NEVER stop being you <3

| qtips? Is it an application that based on Qt? (:_:)

| >>1026417 you're a qt g/u/rl if you know what i mean :)

| >>1026417 I'm going to Q you if you know what I mean :)

| >>1026435

| >>1026449

| >< eeeee

| 69 is the true cycle of pleasure

| >>1026479
Oooh I don’t know if I believe you we’d better test that claim gurl 83

| >>1026489
i'll be the 3 so you'll be the 8 because i don't know that position but i'm excited to find out


-poppy de una familia noble poppilina

| >she doesn't have a bohemian earspoon or german tvidlermesseshwarch

| >>1026491 im pomu by the way

| >>1026630 so true

-Pomu la famulia noble pomilia

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1725540625

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