What's up with ninjago

| Apparantly ninjago didn't get cancelled? God, 2013 felt like forever ago.

| Ninjag/u/ is dead

| Ninja what? *Brainrot in exoforce*

| I would trade Ninjago 20 times over for a rerelease of Rock Raiders

| >>1026512
There'sa fan remake of the Rock Raiders videogame available for free online

| Also, I'm forever in

| Ninjago is now N word

| >>1026564 like, the N-jago?

| >>1026629 kinda like this, yeah

| The only reason I was aware of this is cause one of my friends had a very young baby brother, and they would put on Ninjago for him, but every time they did my friend would get 10x more into it than the kid

| holy shit this lasted for 12 years?

| The only reason I was aware of this is because of this thread.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1725717467

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