Ohhh are you a alpha/sigma?

| Are you? Are you really thinking you are most dominant and over confident person on this board? than why are you shitposting here? Stop play wukang or something, there exists steam group too!


| I love sex.

| I'm not an alpha or sigma, I'm a lone wolf with darkness in my heart. Nobody in the whole world will ever understand. The plot of sonice adventures 2 really fucked me up. I'm in need of a kitten more than ever now.

| Nice try Shlomo, everyone here knows (((video games))) are only meant to distract us from hot, sweaty sex. Sigma nuts.

| what's up with normal people (none of you) that always want to play mid looking game anyway? in this case wukang monkey, My bro never play soul-like not even elden ring and he want to play vujang mankey (not that I would call it soul like) mmmmph I love dark soul 2 best in the series really fr fr no cap fortnite smut

| Speaking of video games, remember those voice lines from the last boss of Unreal Tournament? "I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA"

| Is that like, a furry thing? Wierd.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1725246884

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