Post number #1026137, ID: 43a403
I desperately need money but I don't have a job. If I was job chan I'd be living it up right now but I'm not her. I'm just a useless gurl that doesn't have enough money to be happy. If you know of a way to make money or have a job for me please help. I'm really desperate and sad right now. If you have any tips on how to get a relatively easy job please let me know. I'm not a very strong person and I lack social skills. I'm getting more and more depressed as the days go on. Help me.
Post number #1026138, ID: 0bb026
Have you tried selling sex?
Post number #1026139, ID: 7b1026
If you live in a socialist paradise there should be a job centre where big gov can help you get a job. And in the meantime they'll give you unemployment until you find work.
I have social anxiety and work a customer service job and shit once a week. You'll live.
Post number #1026147, ID: 094dc6
I need to sex this OP
Post number #1026148, ID: 529bcc
>>1026139 Yay! Unemployedchan is saved!!! I would buy sex with you but I need a job too. I’ll tell you about my progress too! I really want to hear how the job center goes!
Post number #1026305, ID: 856259
Good luck jobless-chan!
Post number #1026343, ID: 529bcc
Go unemployed Chan go! I’m going to my study spot at university today. I have trouble doing things but I’m a little better there. Still thinking of you! I’ll give you a ride or something or you can borrow my interview clothes if you’re in Maryland!
Post number #1026552, ID: b0b8af
>>1026343 Can I give you a can of Old Bay in exchange for a hug?
Post number #1026611, ID: 2e8613
No bro
Post number #1026614, ID: 7a6b50
>>1026552 I would give you all the old bay I own for a hug cutie. I’m sick of old bay enough for a life time, but I would also give you other spices I’m not sick of. Because I think your post is nice and I would really like to hug you. You might not believe me y but I turned my screen off and gave my phone a full 2 armed hug before sending this post! So I Hope you’ll maybe hug yourself or at least feel a little bit of it in your mind ~ <3
Total number of posts: 10,
last modified on:
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1725475544
| I desperately need money but I don't have a job. If I was job chan I'd be living it up right now but I'm not her. I'm just a useless gurl that doesn't have enough money to be happy. If you know of a way to make money or have a job for me please help. I'm really desperate and sad right now. If you have any tips on how to get a relatively easy job please let me know. I'm not a very strong person and I lack social skills. I'm getting more and more depressed as the days go on. Help me.