what's the best we can do to enjoy our period

| life is getting boring and the more you learn the less it gets challenging

| Usually a pad or a tampon is a must

| Artificial fun like fantasy novels and movies is one approach. I think it’s a good question!

| Have sex and have fun.

| Try sex

| Jreg has a good answer for this, be an extremist and attack a perceived status quo.

Then from there make contact with other extremists and boom. You have community and now you can enjoy more menial things because it's now enriched into a greater context that isn't just a series of interesting facts.

If you're neurotic this is the only path, to grill and chill in a more meaningful way.

| >>1026142
All the other extremists will be disappoint in me for being a loser who can't focus AAAUUUGGHHHH but I'll talk to them anyway thanks gurl~

| not being a w*man

| It differs from person to person. You as a person have to find your own. There are near infinite stuff you can be interested in/do!

| >>1026200

| Heavy medication

| >>1026303 isn't it like smoking but faster?

| >>1026196 what website do you think you're on g/u/rl

| Using blood for painting on boys toilets to confirm our dominance and feminism agains mens ^^

| Gross boys will simply eat it for ‘protein’ and win again sigh… I wish I was more gutsy like them sometimes, but I’m doing my best : )

| Painting it over the doorframe with sheeps wool

| Do you girls even enjoy your periods??? Wtf

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1725481980

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