Hallo every-nyan!

| How are you? Fine sankyu.

| Do you speak japanese?

| Hello g/u/rl

| *pats your head gently and steers clear of your mouth*

| >>1026038 *horizontal slash you* "heh, while you were learning your idiotic cartoon language, I, study the blade." *re adjust my nipponese 99% aizome cotton hakama* *pull my antique 120 yr old meiji era bronze-silver kiseru from my authentic aizome cotton hakama and put them in my mouth* "SayOnArA dESu gurl" *sheath my million fold nippon steel damascus (made in USA) katana*

| oh my god

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1725007548

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