uuuuu tired

| Job-chan here...been working a lot lately because my coworkers have had various issues arise in their life--one has a sickly mother, the other has a son who was apparently involved in a hit and run?? so ive uhhh been busy

i hope this pans out as something lucrative. i dont want to be exhausted with little to show for it. i was supposed to have 3 days off starting today but was already tapped to cover tonight's close

| Back to NEET perhaps? :3

| >>1025970
tempting ......

| but no

i do love my job but a bitch needs sleep ;_;

| doing another close tonight...pray for Job-chan......

| Sending all my energy to you job-Chan!!!!
I’m always happy to hear your updates. School started for me and I’m really burnt out today. Just have a headache and stopped caring and it’s only Thursday. Going to get a nap and then do some readings and fix my friend’s laptop and then try my new dance mat.

| you can do it! do a good job, then you can sleep as long as you want when you're off. keep on keeping on!

| >>6985b8 I'll be ur wife-chan and take care of the house-chan !!!


| Praying for Job-chan!!

| sending thoughts and prayers and feet pics ur way job-chan

| Are you still a bartender?

| Still supporting job Chan!!

| Go job Chan!

| Job-chan, ganbatte!

| So are you a bartender still?

| Hm, are you a bartender still?

| Are battender you a are still?

| /u/is tired

| /u/ is eepy

| An overworked bartender on danger/u/? That's crazy!

| come on everyone! let's all go to bartenderchan's bar and order all the drinks and take all the customers home for sex so she can go rest!

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1725743191

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