
| what are my odds of catching an illness from eating any raw meat daily?

| Exactly 14.43%. Which means you got a maximum of 20 days before you're guaranteed to become sick according to probability theory.

Trust me, I'm an internet doctor.

| 0

| >>1025887 This, just become cannibal and enjoy twice your victories over your rivals.

| there's a listeria outbreak going on right now that killed at least 8 people with tainted meat

| >>1025934 okay but you have missed that OP is simply built different tho

| >>1025934
That was really nice of you to come and post though gurl
I want our gurl to be healthy : )
I’ve eaten raw eggs I don’t think they’re so bad but I don’t really know

| >>1025950
Yes, eggs are different from raw meat

| >>1025956 How can you tell? Did you lay those eggs?

| it mostly depends on where you source the food from and how fresh it is. for instance where i live its ok to eat raw fish from a farm but we vacuum freeze most of the stuff we get out of the bay since it might have worms, depending on the species. in some places raw pork can have brain parasites, but at least in the US raw pork is safe (from brain parasites at least). beef, salmon, chicken, horse, lamb, etc can be raw and refrigerated until it smells without going bad, and lots

| of times if you eat it once it starts smelling a little funny the worst it will do is upset your stomach. but obviously that's way more of a risk than eating it fresh. ask people, especially chefs, irl cause it might be different depending on where u are

| Wow thanks for all the information smart girls! I always mix my raw eggs with too much lemon juice or something to kill the bacteria but I’ll just enjoy them as is now <3

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1724968065

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