/u/ is (creatively) dead

| /u/ dead
fucks mouth
pom shit
sniper girl

Same thing over and over for YEARS. If there's one thing g/u/rls are good at, it's pummeling a dead horse.

| etc. is my favourite

| True OP

| when was the last time you saw elona and sniper gi-

| a solid 5/7 of those are from the same poster

| etc.

| >>1025891 true. I don't do sniper post

| me neithe-


| N

| I

| C

| A

| R

| etc.

| elona

| Dorothy a cute

| >>1026304
Did you just go to like 12 threads in a row and only posted unfunny 3 word sentences in every one of them? You're the spitting image of what OP is complaining about!

Okay, okay, I admit I laughed at one of your jokes and Dorothy is kinda cute.

| op goes into a bar and says "ouch"

| >>1026355

| >>1026355
I giggled

| It is not creative

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1725482076

This thread is closed.