Hello everyone!

| Hi again! I used the app a couple of times back in 2019 and accidently found this site while googling for VALHALLA but uuh what is going on with all the /u/ is dead posts?

| Every couple months basically since the boards existence someone has made a "/u/ is dying" or "/u/ is dead" thread and it became a meme

| Nah, It's actually fucking dead. Absolutely zero activities and nobody talking

| hello do you think we can meet up?

| Uh huh! You near Baltimore sweetie?

| >>1025840
Contribute! High quality posts are more likely to lead to interesting activity than random noise and sour observations.

| >>1025867 Sorry G/u/rlie. Across the sea...

| >>1025919 we're at most only half the world away. which side of non Baltimore are you on?

| >>1025919
That’s ok you’re really cute and I liked even just posting with you 83

| >Baltimore
Oh g/u/rl I am so sorry to hear that

| >>1025924 in grid square world map: KN.

>>1025925 You totally post like the cutest g/u/rl I'll ever know 73!

| >>1025965 I'm 5 grid away, too bad

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1724937014

This thread is closed.