is /u/ blocked in china?

| have to go there for work in a week.

| you're not making it back out, sis.

| Good bye

| Tell them I said hello

| Have Chinese sex!

| >>1025708 honestly chinese girls way hotter than japanese

| >>1025847 if your into femdom sure.

| Tell them I said 您來自中國

| How do I impress the gay mentally unstable cute ethnically chinese guys I know who live across the country from me? And how do I turn that into love?

| >>1025894 try sex

| >>1025851 findom as well

| Get your shots, eat only at western-approved places, try to make it out alive from West Taiwan

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1725247160

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