am i.. a normie now!??

| i've just realized that i haven't opened steam in months now, and haven't felt anything about it. just study, exercise, normie shit, and sleep. am i going to rebound in a few days or something wtf

| Add sex.

| This was me pre-pandemic. Feels pretty good, no?

| Games get boring so we stop playing them, that's why you never stick to one single game unless you have autism

| I only game once in a long while these day too, maybe I'm just old?

| It's pretty annoying, I bought a bunch of shit over the years and I'm like, meh.

| >>1025582 this
when i was younger i watched all these video essays on these supposedly amazing games i couldnt afford. now that i actually have the means to get these games, i just felt 'meh' playing them

| >>1025604
Happened to me with table top rpgs. I was so excited I would imagine playing them, I get to college, have a few amazing games, now tired of them. Maybe you can try skate boarding or something instead? My grandfather changed hobbies every 8 years or so and was happy.

| Steam is for normies

| >>1025619 Steam is powering our world

| >>1025704 hawk tua spit on that thang xDD

| >>1025521 ur mom is a normie

| >>1025718
What's gpod for the hole is not necissarily what's good for the soul

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1724909218

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