The world will never forget how Russia humiliated themselves. This will be laughed at in history books, pretty much for as long as history is still read.

| This is worse than how it was before, that most people simply didn't care about Russia at all. Russians traveling abroad are completely unprepared for hearing that almost everyone ignores Russia and anything coming from it. Many Russians still believe that they are second-only to America in terms of geopolitical and cultural influence, which couldn't be further from the truth.

| happy for you/sorry for your loss

| >>1025518 true, Russkies used to believe that they were still the enemy #1 like under the cold war, and are shocked to hear that the west has moved on.
Now they got what they wanted I guess, everyone hates them and thinks they're retards.

| moderators please rape this man

| Good

| Yeah, Paris syndrome gonna hit hard. But Russia is holding it down in terms of economics it seems. If the middle class crumbles it'll be an interesting sight.

| I hope their middle class grows and they achieve a million years of growth and prosperity

| >>1025559 Marxists-Leninists BTFO'd

| Most people nowadays don't know much about the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Jugoslavia, basically the entire middle east, other than that they happened. This war will be no different. In 50 years it will be a minor annoyance in history class that will be forgotten after the next exam.

| >>1025848 true bro no one ever thinks about the fucking vietnam war, the korean war, and the yugoslavian wars lmao
I'm sure the war that caused a geopolitical shockwave will not be talked about

| I kinda d-don’t. I’m having eggs for breakfast. How do you like yours? I might add chives! :D

| >>1025856 then no hate but it's 100% a you thing, most people do talk about these things.

| >>1025855 Unironically, yes. Why do you think Veterans struggle so much? Noone cares about it anymore. Sure Russia's image is more ruined than before, but people already start to lose interest in the ukraine war. The next generation probably won't care at all anymore.

| >>1025858 veterans struggle because of a whole bunch of reasons, not that people don't care about vietnam or whatever.

Unless you really hate talking about history most people know what the vietnam war is, I was extensively taught about the yugoslav wars in high school, and the korean war comes up basically half the time north korea is mentioned in the news.
I struggle to think of a future where people don't remember the Ukraine war, especially in Europe.

| If you don't ever hear about those things then no hate but that's a you issue, it's fine if you're not into history but most people know about those things.

| Even if you take the vietnam war alone there's tons of movies about it even today. in Europe where I'm from people regularly talk about the war against Algeria and Indochina. I honestly don't know what you're on about when you say people forget about wars.

| >>1025857
Thanks for being so nice and sharing your experiences with me <3
My friend is actually really into war and knows all about these things ~
I scrambled mine btw, hope you’ve got something to smile about today : )

| >>1025863 I usually have fried eggs for breakfast but I forgot to eat breakfast today

| generally with bacon, fried garlic and salt (on the egg)

| That sounds really good mmmmmm
But watch your arteries gurl! You go to the doctor right? Mine said my cholesterol was too high (cry)

| >>ad69b2 I'm actually quite into that stuff, but when I mention stuff like that to others, it's always "Oh really" or "Yeah whatever". The wars are fun facts but they don't matter to most people. At least that's my experience.
Might also just be oversaturation from media, so people don't care anymore.

| >>1025870
Overssturation is definitely an issue.

| gurls we still have /new/ take it there pls

| >>1025870
I like how the only constant is you. I'd love to talk wars with >>ad69b2 for example but if you started talking about it I would've said whatever I needed to say to get out of the situation, like "Oh really" or "Yeah whatever".

| I would skip right to the sex if I saw any of you irl you’re just too cute! Mwah!

| Ok g/u/rl

| For the author it will be a discovery, but basically everyone doesn't care about anyone. They have their own concerns, rather than reading news about other countries. They don't care about Russia, Ukraine or other

| People already forgot about the trump near miss. This will probably end in some north Korea esque situation where a ceasefire is agreed upon once Russia takes enough territory.

| Lots of cope in the comments here

| russia got 600 years of cope

| >>1026005 let's have heavy-loaded angry hatefuck political sex

| >< uohhhh
You could do that to me any time and I would be squeeking and crying and smiling and loving it but I just couldn’t bear to h-hurt you gurl…
I could even print out my Lockheed Martin investment information and you could rip them up in front of me and shout how you’ll punish me for russian sympathizing!!
I think you’re cute ok~

| yeah yeah op dream more

| >>1026149 you're so cuuuute g/u/rlie, I'd love to fondle you and caress your hair everyday and anytime

| >>1026157
eeeee I did a little shake with my whole body when I read your words ><

| >>1026161 hhhnnggggg come here you little cutie! *squeezes you with a passionate hug*

| in ur dreams lol

| why is the title so fat?

| The Russian central bank is flagging another policy rate hike this September. Inflation is soaring and the price increase on meat is now at 30%. Loan flows of 25% are now crippling Russian companies. A loan flow at 25% is heavy and it is a strong indication that the country is in economic difficulty.

| Putin is in the process of emptying the welfare fund of the war economy. Increased wages to attract more labor, as well as the standing massive expenses of the war. On the surface, it creates "growth" but it all comes from the Russian bastard pumping saved money into the system that is used for things that go BOOM for a second before all the work and capital has gone up in smoke. The Russians are engaged in pure capital destruction.

| Russia has got itself into big trouble. When the economic stimulus ends, many companies go into bankruptcy, unemployment rises, many companies have lost their pre-war customers, now that they by law are part of the state's war economy.
In addition, the high level of interest rates(18%) ensures that the real economy (the one that creates wealth through investment) is not profitable, and the question is how much damage the real economy has actually suffered during these 2.5 years.

| Russia is still a thing?

| >>1026262 That's interesting, got any sources on that?

| >>1026336
On what specifically?

| I feel bad for anyone who has to work in a central bank

| >>1026433 the inpending collapse of Russia's economy

| >>1026447

| >>1026519 sorry, this isn't pravda, we back up our arguments here

| Yes, yes, we will capture everyone and force them to eat pelmeni(dumplings) and drink vodka. Everyone will be afraid.

| >>1026539
vodka is bad for you please drink something like milk ok gurl?! I really like pierogies though...

I'm just playing hard to get! You can capture me anytime!!

Total number of posts: 50, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1725473338

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