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State of the board

| Welp it’s scientific fact now…
Write a poem for fun!
I love toothpaste squeezers
Write a porn for fun!
Close /burg/
My bf and I kissed
guys i made oopsie

> _<;;
u is dead (100% real not clickbait)
Been real depressed
Should kids be allowed?
finally got my new apartment
I'm poppy ama

See the pattern?

| informal/casual, no clear hierarchy of topics: personal interests, creative writing prompts, meta. use your words, you autistic daughter of a whore, and tell me what you mean to say.

| I DON'T see a pattern and you're not going to make me afraid ever again! I'm wearing PANTS now!

| Seems fine and normal to me
-poppy de una familia Nobel poppilina

| The pattern that all those threads were made by cuties?

| There is no distinguished pattern

| Not enough Pomu

| This thread fits the pattern. We exist in harmony!






| hutt burt

| >>1024351 And so what? I do not see a pattern. May be you want to point on general type of themes, but I still not see. Can you explain, directly say, what the pattern and in what it consist?

| If U is truly dead, why am I drinking wine and shitposting on it? Bet you didn't think about that g/u/rl.

| wine, mm, windows does not letting go.

| Is this 'danger/u/' in the room with us right now?

| Incredible bait, op, you actually get people salty over nothing.

| ] us -> su : dangers/u/

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1724285282

This thread is permanently archived