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Welp it’s scientific fact now…

| People with strong political conservative opinions shows a smaller metacognitive efficiency, study finds | While both liberals and conservatives show some awareness of their ability to judge the accuracy of political information, conservatives exhibit weakness when faced with information that contradicts their policial beliefs.

| Harnessing signal detection theory methods to model metacognition, we found that people from both the political left and the political right were aware of how well they distinguished accurate political information from falsehood across all news.

However, this metacognitive insight was considerably lower for Republicans and conservatives—than for Democrats and liberals—when the information in question challenged their ideological commitments.

| That is, given their level of knowledge, Republicans’ and conservatives’ confidence was less likely to reflect the correctness of their truth judgments for true and false political statements that were at odds with their political views.

People’s awareness of the accuracy and fallibility of their own knowledge thus partly differs across ideological divides, which may fuel broader societal trends such as political polarization.

| Metacognition—thinking about thinking—can manifest itself in the confidence that people have in their own cognition, such as their beliefs.

A particularly promising measure for quantifying people’s metacognition in terms of how well their confidence tracks their beliefs is metacognitive efficiency. It is considered the gold standard of all measures of metacognition as it uses signal detection theory to express people’s metacognition relative to their level of knowledge.

| Link to paper and abstract:



| good thing I'm normal and didn't read a single sentence in this thread past the first 3 word

| Conservatives also tend to have a stronger response to negative stimuli. The politics of fear works on them, because their brains are wired to basically be more afraid of everything, real or not.

| >>1024119
WAAAAAAAAH someone hug me I’m a politics of fear too WWAAAAAAAAH

| >>1024122
Are you offended by a scientific study????

| >The scientific approach proves some personalities have a less flexible mind and are more proned to act out when presented with "unwanted" facts
>The peer reviewed paper gets posted
>Someone acts out..............

How does it feel to be a predictable NPC?

| >>1024173
Yeah- I’m a fearful gurl and I don’t like this kinda stuff it makes me feel like something bad is going to be done

| >>1024178 hey don't open your 3rd dresser drawer until the 23rd it isn't time yet

| >>1024181
T-that’s where I keep my shorts though and it’s hot out
I won’t do it today… but going to do it some time!

| >>1024207 yes good... Open on the 23rd of this month... Then it will be time

| I’m not going to let you bully me like that! I’ll be back when I do!! But today is going to be a pants day…

| When do we get to start measuring conservative skulls?

| Everyone here is a conservatite and you can't prove me wrong and you should all go to bed right this very now

| >>1024276
Ok be back when I wake up. I did laundry too so I’m in my pajama shorts : )
That mean girl couldn’t outsmart This gurl!
Sweet dreams too all of you, even scary 3rd drawer Chan~

| Hey guess what? I put my shorts away. Fuck you trying to scare me

| >>1024276
I think the sleep actually helped the fear a little. Thanks

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1724006591

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