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guys i made oopsie

| i made my friend sad today im sorry friend : (

| Congrats!

| ok

| To make up for it you should explode

| Why did you do that? can you avoid it in the future, or was it really a good choice to make them feel bad, you just feel bad about it? If it wasn't worth it, I bet you can find how to stop it from happening again and do what you love doing with them. If it was, you should make peace with the cost of your happiness, and maybe stop considering them a friend.

| i remember making a friend sad and it made me feel so bad but she got over it before i did so the joke was on me i guess because now i was the only one feeling bad

| >guys


| Kiss and make up, pronto

| Better luck next time!



| >>1023784 I'd make your friend happy again if you know what I mean

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1723990950

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