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| I hate drugs. If you like using them that's fine but I've watched too many people close to me have their lives ruined. Some even multiple times over. It brings me to the point of tears sometimes watching what's happened to them.

That's why the nitrous thing with Ye fucks me up so bad. He's not a good person and he has to be responsible for his choices, but I can't help but feel he's been manipulated into where he is today to some extent.

| OD girl is hot tho

| >>1023733 who?

| >black people are on drugs
>this is somehow new or distressing
Sis, I...

| >>1023740 kill yourself

| >>1023741 Smoke crack about it, nigger.

| I have no idea who Ye is or his history

| >>1023744 kanye west. He's a rapper that's been in public eye for a while cause he's a nazi (literally defended hitler.) He ran for US presidency once, and makes mid music. He's said and done a lot of shit that drugs are no excuse for.

| >>1023745 What happened to the other 3 kanyes?

| I have consumed 39 drugs, oops silly me :3

| sex, drugs and rock & roll

| >>1023745
I know about Kayne West but I never pay attention to stupid celebrities and how they spend their time or what they talk about. It was funny when he dressed like he was in a cult and was spouting all kinds of religious nonsense though.

| I love drugs, but I don’t do them much anymore because being a grimy tweaker isn’t conducive to a healthy lifestyle. Quarantine was peak because I had nowhere to be and nobody to impress and could be a sleepless gremlin as much as I wanted.

| >>1023769
Doing drugs by yourself certainly isn't conducive to a healthy lifestyle. I don't get the point of getting high in such a destructive environment, unless you're a writer... or a 3D artist... or a programmer... or a musician.

| I wanna do drugs

| >>1023770 I had nothing better to do. Being cooped up in my apartment unemployed without seeing anyone but my partner made me pretty bored. I sobered up once I found a job and have been fairly sober since. I did have fun though.

| >>1023801
I understand. I stayed sober during 2020 and haven't done much drugs since. I mainly did them in social settings but sometimes I would smoke a joint or take a tab of acid and play video games all night by myself. I played trough most of Subnautica blind this way and it's one of my greatest gaming memories.

| I think I think if drugs make life better you should do them, some 'addiction' is definitely just people mad that druggers found something better than them, but I wanna world where we all work together to be happy for a long long time.

hobbies that hurt your health are bad if you've got time to live >:(

I didn't know that. reppers tend to hurt themselves and others :(

So how can we become people who always make good long term decisions?

| >>1023819 yeah I mean I think drugs are okay in moderation. But a lot of harder drugs are made to be addictive on purpose.

And people are often manipulated into getting on hard drugs that'll permanently fuck them up.

Like nitrous is insanely bad. Using it once is enough to cause permanent brain damage.

As for always making good long term decisions? Pobody's nerfect. We'll always make bad decisions at some point or another, but being aware of dangers is step one.

| The best drugs are prescription

| >>1023820
Yeah in thinking fast and slow Daniel kahnman said ‘what you see is all there is’. It’s all too easy to see something exciting in front of you but not think of what the trade-offs you’re making are. I must confess I generally avoid drugs, but they’re an important topic. Religioners use them to try to argue we can’t understand or make decisions because the world ‘corrupts’ us and they’re seemingly kinda right. I want a happy world still built on human decisions.

| Weed, poppers, and booze is fun :3

| I've seen it too. I might smoke a lot, but I could never get myself to do anything stronger. I've seen first hand mfs on, no joke, 50+ xanax, and that shit's insane. It's so depressing. Just completely gone, multiple ODs in a week, can't do shit. It's sad. Just wandering town aimlessly until a friend or cops stop them. Alcohol too low-key, my dad was an alcoholic for the first years of my life and looks completely dead in every old pic and is in massive debt. Shit's sad

| >>1023990
That’s really sad. I hope you’re well taken care of gurl. That must be tough to see, and it’s really good you avoid that kinda stuff. I’m kinda curious about drugs, but I don’t drink, and I don’t think I’ll ever do hard ones without clear evidence my use method like a slow release implant or something is very unlikely to addict.


| Best sex you could ever get is when the girl ODing, convulsing on the ground and foaming from the mouth fr ngl

| >>1023750 so silly g/u/rl

Total number of posts: 27, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1723925394

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