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How to deal with feeling jelly and pathetic?

| I see people doing things that are my age or younger and it's hard not to project your own lack of progress on their work. I'm self aware enough to have it not manefest into me getting angry at them. And I know that I can't do everything in the world. But it feels like a cope. I want to be genuinely happy for someone and not have angst or get defensive when I learn from my peers.

| Get some peanut butter to balance out the jelly.

| Why not let me have sex with you? I want you

| Go exercise, or masturbate. Something that will get blood flowing and give your brain a chemical relewse

| suppressing your emotions is very healthy and will have no repercussions whatsoever. why not allow yourself to feel the rage and develop your own coping mechanisms based on where these thoughts lead you.

| Have sex and have fun.


| I will give you headpats :3 *pets you and gives you a smooch* It's going to be okay.

| Serious answer. Detach your sense of self-worth from your capabilities. You don't have to be "good" at doing a specific thing to be loved or to have a place in the world. You are always enough.

As for how to do that, I don't know you enough to tell. Exercise, get new hobbies, find something or someone to love.

| >>1023219
To take that even further, you should probably challenge the way you think about the concept "good"
A lot of people tend to be a lot harsher on themselves than others, or apply weird standards to themselves that they don't to others
Regardless of what it is you're doing, focus on yourself. Focus on what you can do. Refine those things
Easiwr said than done obviously, but anyone is capable of it

| Trade them right away for some few better stocks, the jelly and pathetic coin has hardly ever been valutable or it just takes really niche buyer to be made aware of.


| Unless you drop the mindet that "The grass is always greener on the other side" you're gonna have a snowball effect of miserably thoughts and experiences

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1723418586

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