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I miss life 15 years ago

| Why does it feel like life peaked from 2008-2011? Am I just nostalgia blinded? Everything feels worse now, somehow. Do any of you guys feel this way too?

| life peaked 150 years ago. when the women were women, men weren't real (they didn't invent "hormones" yet) and children were too busy dying in factories to be seen. but since you've only seen your own childhood in the early 00s, you don't know how far the rabbit hole goes, and just how much fucking those rabbits have been doing.

| I wasnt born yet

| also, ^ this fucking asshole wasn't born yet.

| I also didn't even born yet, OMG NUMBER ONLY ID ONLY 0.2 OF /U/ HAVE THIS SUPER RARE ID

| You got to live in the moment, gurl. The only time I live in the past is when I jack off to memories having sex.

| >>1022783 >>5a736a
Post of the year, Aug 2024.
Sex approved.

| >>1022757
Lots of things are worse, yeah. But some things are better. Life is change, so dk what you can to make that a positive change.

| But your aim is getting better!

| Nigger

| >>1022845 Unironically this, people's IQ is getting sensibly lower.
Trying to make everyone the same is wasteful and takes too long, it's no fun nor anyhow interesting.
We should stop fooling around and make better games.

| >>1022786 >>1022783
Seconded (I cum in the ballot box)

| Life ended in 2012 but our brains are still catching up

| >>1022855 It's like the thing from Katana Zero.

| >>1022759
If you're younger than 15, get off danger/u/, kid. There are better places out there

| >>1022944 Imagine all the shotas we've mentally deceived and ruined without their consent

| I miss being able to feel safe outside my house

| I miss the life of the future OP!! I yearn for the future!
I want trans people to be a huge amount of the population!
I want tech and robots everywhere!
I want sexbots on every house!
And I want Full Dive VR!!!

Screw your nostalgia! The future is now old g/u/rl!!!

| >>1023013
Yay!!!! If you can invent one thing this week, I’ll have sex with you!
If you can’t, you can work your tension out on me :3

| >>1023048 Damn, when did I get so lucky to receive such a good offer? I'll try!

| >>1022758 based traditional girl

| >>1023071
I’ll be waiting ^^

| (And learning too!)

| >>1022758 Can't wait for the next 150 years to use this as a pasta in the usual danger/u/ is dying thread

| Life imposes a bunch of unwanted responsibilities as you get older. The only thing you can do is to take up ones that you choose. And in that take a leap of faith and belief which can constitue for that feeling of nostalgia which is at the end a poisonous mildew.

To make you one with the world without trying, to let the spirit of creation decide. Rather than logic.

Personally I've taken on the responsibility of drowning ants with cum and my life has been terrific ever since.



Total number of posts: 27, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1723416178

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