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I am so bored

| I am so fucking bored out of my mind. The last year I havent been able to find anything remotely interesting and everything has lost its charm and flavour. The things I feel so bland and like chores. I am a cook and have tried all dishes and idc anymore about the flavour anyore I just put it behind my molars. Nothing seems to keep my interest anymore. I just go to work and after that I just sleep and work again

| *fucks your mouth*

| How about you be cute?

| So this is how they turn to canibalism

| what exactly is all of this?

| I've seen things like this but they exist as odd islets in a vast ocean of data?

| who exactly are all you people? What do you do? Why?

| I don't know if I will or can even return, I only ask fate, or god, or something bigger than me to lead my destiny to truly see something real with these types of users.

| Do you exist truly? I know this is not a bot forum, it's too specific, too *real* for anything like that, but idk it's just very, very peculiar. I don't know any other way to put it.

| I find all of you deeply fascinating, the same way that a passerby would find goths interesting, a complete anomaly I could be smothered into only as a vague lurker.

| Anyway, Peace & Love on Planet Earth.

| You need to get out more

| Have you tried having sex?

| OP is in desperate need of choking sex

| Sounds like depression, g/u/rl

| Love you OP if you ever want sex or kissing .. or even choking sex :3 I will give it to you <3

| Do a barrel roll

| Apathy's a tradegy and boredom is a crime ^_^

| >>1022880 actually peaceful boredom it's bliss

| So true bestie

| >>1022880
Haveb't you ppl ever heard of closing a ******* door?

| >>53a4b7 and>>b09c05
Get a cat or something

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1723386023

This thread is permanently archived