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Describe yourself in the 2000s


| I was 1 year old

| I was a dumb teenage forum kid

| I was also a dumb forum kid

| I was popular, cool, and cute!

| I died.

| I don't have a single solid memory from that time

| I was on 4chan

| I played Club Penguin a lot. I think I was also on GameFAQs

| I somehow managed to be more retarded than I am today.
Still quite grateful I never fell for the social media craze, though.

| I'm now drunk and wasted wait it didn't change anything!

| well I was 0-6 years old and I really liked playing bomberman back in the day

| i was too young to really remember anything before like 2012 ish

| Failing college

| Idiot. The character limit is only 500.

| >>1022111
Like hell you can fill upp 500 characters with your boring inane life.

| >>1022111 I'd help you fill that textbox with my 500 if you know what I mean

| >>1022359 What? 500?!? I think you should get that checked. Not by me, by a doctor I mean.

| >>1022134 I'll have you know that I think my life is very interesting. For instance, earlier today I saw a crow that was standing so still that, from a distance with my relatively poor eyesight, I couldn't tell if it was a crow or merely a shadow on the ground. Of course, once I came close enough it began to hop away, confirming that it indeed was a crow. As I passed, however, I noticed it was keeping its mouth open for some reason. I wondered why, and still do. Hope it was okay...

| i loved playing roblox and spelunky html back then



Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1722983464

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