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| does anypony even banepost nowadays or is it a lost art man i miss shitposting

| Thedarknightrises? You don’t get to bring friends!
The post plan I filed with the maidgency listed smee, my gurls, but only one hawk tu(a)

| >>1021558 no like where are the big guys, "for you" ya know ya know, not this sissy shit (not that theres anything wrong with being a sissy #proLGBT)

| T-that comes later in the scene FAKER >:(
So you got yourself caught! What’s the next step of your master plan??

| I'm kinda glad it's over. It was rough, irritating, and got everywhere

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1722402021

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