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Answer a question, ask another.

| K, I'll start. Will this thread derail and die within the first 4 posts?

| it won't.

when do you consider a girl to be a hag? personally I'd say when they hit double digit, single digit girls are GOAT uwooohh ToT

| all women are hags, but not all hags are women.
what do i make for dinner today

| Vegetable stir fry.

What are you reading at present, and how are you finding it?

| I'm not reading anything right now.
How many slices of bread have you eaten?

| I lost count in the last 24 hours but it's possibly 10 or more. Yes, I'm a bread slut.
What do you usually drink while you have lunch and/or dinner?

| dr pepper
why is fucking sandwich meat not considered necrophilia

| Because it's prepared for consumption and not direct corpse consumption

Will I gain a girlfriend in the future?

| You may find a romantic partner when you least expect it as long as you love yourself first
Why is older media/tech so appealing even to people who weren't there to be nostalgic about it now?

| Old tech ie so appealing because I love Lain

Do you love Lain

| I love sex

Do you love sex

| I love sex!

How many sexual partners have you had?

| too many

what is your favorite bird?

| The northern cardinal

What are your opinions on Samurai Pizza Cats?

| New to the series initial impressions...

Cover art thumbnails remind me of sonic art style based upon the color scheme and robotic-like features.
Started watching Ep.1...
Lots of satellites
90's music
Tuna pizza, shrimp pizza.
Pururun cute, Otama cute.
Miss Omitsu, only female?
More satellites
Realizes everyone is an animaloid
Witness crow-like villan
Dislikes Skashee and Yattaro for infighting
Suprised by Omitsu shooting missiles from head

| Sees shadow, "Is that Shen Long from DBZ?"
Conflict and destruction
Ryoutsu looking character
Princess Usa cute, and remminds me of some Warioware character.
Nyankee special
90's music ramps up
Action picks up
Parasol shield/sword, heart kunai.

Pururun and Yattaro are my favourites. Otamma is second favourite. Dislikes Skashee.
Tempted to play Gotta Protectors after finishing Episode 1. Now interested in watching Episode 2.

What is a good question to ask?

| Something titillating and of interest to others, not something greedy and self serving

Will you plap me?

| Due to my body's restraints I am only limited to plap you in three locations.
1) In a space station in space 2) In a submarine submerged underwater and 3) Next to an active flowing volcano.
But I will soon undergo my next upgrade at the start of year 2025. Only then, you shall experience my true, plapping powers.

English or spanish?

| Due to my body's restraints I am only limited to plap you in three locations.
1) In a space station in space 2) In a submarine submerged underwater and 3) Next to an active flowing volcano.
But I will soon undergo my next upgrade at the start of year 2025. Only then, you shall experience my true, plapping powers.

English or spanish?

| English, i don't have many reasons to learn spanish since my native language already has similarities to spanish, thus, english is all i need online or out there in the world.

If you could create a fighting style out of 4 martial arts (or more if if you want, and any MA's are valid btw, go wild) which ones would you pick?

| I don't know enough about martial arts to answer that, sorry to disappoint, but krav maga would be first choice and that brazilian dancing style looks cool so I'll pick that one too.

When you talk to yourself —assuming you do, pretend if you don't— do you use "I", "you" or "we" ?

| we.

i feel like making a thread that openly hates on something. what are some things you are emotionally attached to, and would be hurt by seeing disparaged?

| Cats.
What are non sexual body parts which are you attracted to?

| Thighs and back muscles

Skirts or booty shorts?

| Skirts outside, booty shorts inside on a hot summer day when the ac is broken

| oh waffles or pancakes?

| Waffles because I like how it holds the syrup.

Is this place full of bots?

| >>1021251 That is a great question! The answer is no.

When is your birthday?

| >>1021253
- 22nd of February.
- What year?
- Every year.
- Get out.

Angry burg or burg?

| Burg. There's too much anger and hatred in this world already.

What is the worst thing you have ever done?

| I slowly and grudgingly became a shitposter on dangeru

How will I make dangeru like me again?

| I don't know who you are but i like you and i'm a part of dangeru. I hope that counts for something

What do you guys add to instant ramen to make it taste better?

| I add, ramen.

What is the most life endangering thing you have done to yourself, or to others?

| Attempted suicide.

What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?

| we give up a piece of ourselves whenever we adjust to conform to society's standards (kaczynski, 1995) and eventually, we are left with nothing.
it's not a single event, but i hope you find a thousand cuts acceptable

what's your most shameful secret?

| Part of me is glad my gf died just so i didn't have to tell her that i wanted to leave her

What's the worst habit you've picked up?

| Judging stupid dangeru posts when instead I should be vibing

Which one of your traits do you appreciate the most?

| >>1021366
My being stupidly in love with life.

If you had to cook and consume a rock, how would you do it?

| >>102137
With ingredients from a whole village! Like in stone soup!

Is it ok I’m posting in this thread again?

| >>1021378 Sure, just don't overdo it

Have you played milk inside a bag of milk/milk outside a bag of milk? If yes, what's your opinion about it?

| >>1021380 I watch manlybadasshero play it, I remember it was cool but people on this site keep talking about it, so it's not anymore.

best way to kill a cat?

| Put down due to incurable illness in old age after a long and fulfilling life full of love and comfort.

Which anime girl do you most relate to?

| Ak 12 from girls frontline. I have mostly the same attitude and views as ak 12.

If you could mine the sky what tool will you be using (handheld tools)?

| 1/4 inch Hand Crank Drill

What's the worst tattoo one could get in the face?

| Probably something horribly offensive, like a swastika but instead of lines it's made of 'fuck you'. It's bad and it looks bad.

Would you like to go scuba diving?

| As a thallasophobe, no.

If you had to live on the south pacific, where would you choose?

| Brazil or the antarctic. That way I'd have at least a chance of living somewhere decent.

What's your most reliable way to soothe your nerves?

| Alcohol and cutting.
What should I do if I can't come up with a good question?

| >>1021687 uh try harder?

How do I become a good person?

| the cultural relativism and contextual dependence of goodness will leave you dancing like an angel atop a needle till you drop dead. instead seek moral agency and empathetic understanding of another.

how are you going to solve the one thing you're struggling with?

| I'll keep running and avoiding snacks until I get my bodyfat under 20%.

Read any erotic doujinshi lately?

| My GF and I have been enjoying Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels, I highly recommend it!

What's your weirdest fetish?

| I wanna be held down before I'm even aware and get my ass pumped. Only to be let go when the stud is done.

Which do you like more: Modern firearms, or post-medieval firearms?

| Given my favorite guns are from the 90s and the Vietnam era, I would sat modern.

Old book smell or new book smell?

| The new book smell would be preferable.

Why are there so few programs that work with sndio, in particular, why does discord not support it?

| They did it specificially to inconvenience you.

What are your thoughts on public displays of affection?

| I think public displays of affection is gross unless sex is involved.

What are the best tools for dangeru.us webmaster?

| Phillips head screwdriver.

What's the worst book you've ever read? (Voluntarily, not assigned at school)

| Sphere by David Eggers

Would you rather sit on a chair spiked with pikes or with erect dicks?

| You can't make spikes twitch and cum so probably Dicks.

What girl from Va11 Hall-a do you want to take home and breed?

| Gaby

Should I turn the empty space near the gov's power station into potato plots?

| Of course you should turn it into potato plots because growing your own food is the new lifehack! Just stick the potato in the ground, turn to the camera and say "I'm in".

What are some red flags and green flags for a new friendship?

| >>1021948
Red flag — doesn't wash her penis
Green flag — has a bad dragon stuff

Where is Pomu ;-;

| >>1021948
Red flag — doesn't wash her penis
Green flag — has a bad dragon stuff

Where is Pomu ;-;

| >>1021950 >>1021951
Pomu is spending time with her familia. She will return soon?

Speaking of Pomu, who is your favorite 2D internet entertainer?

| >>1021989
yashiro kizuku

what is the book/movie/game that you keep coming back to?

| >>1022020 borderlands 2, for some reason I always end up replaying it. Even though I've beat it with all the characters already.

Whats your favorite tea?

| >>1022044 I don't really drink tea

Who's the worst movie director in your opinion?

| >>1021942 you are a sick individual

I would say James's Gunn, I don't like any of his stuff.

Are you a liker of hourglass figure women, or pear shaped women?

| >>1022063
An anime shape where she looks like she just cleand out a watermelon store but has a waist that's no thinner than a toothpick.

Wa a u gay?

| years ago, i used to be gay. i found this gay and transitioned about it. queers are terrible, so i'm glad that part of my life is over.

what's the most obscure skill you've learned?

| i can hit a deer with an atlatl (hand spear on a lever) from about twenty meters... inconsistently

nichest video or board game you recommend?

| VA-11 Hall-A.

What is your favorite drink?

| Non-bottled spring water directly from the source. If you ever get a chance to try it you must.

My favorite alcoholic drink is either Whiskey Smash or Lemon Vodka depending on mood.

Have you done anything fun this summer?

| Visited California redwood forests which was hella cool!!


| >>1022375 I can only read kana, not understand

Tomboy or femboy?

| 100% tomboy (by which I mean butch lesbian).

What's your favourite pokémon?

| Wingull! lad is so cute. followed by shellos.

What kind of cookies do you like

| I like oatmeal ones.

Teaum or coffium, what you prefer?

| I like gentle tea, but I use coffee for energy baked into standard dosed cookies

What should I do for my birthday?

| You need to think about how to thank for the birth and those who raised you, and think about how and whether you have lived right up to now.

Which is better than Word and similar or TeX(LaTeX)?

| I have no clue what either of that is.

Why are pleated skirts with thigh-highs the best possible outfit for a woman?

| The best possible outfit for a woman is what she feels confident and comfortable in. Confidence is sexy—cloth isn't.

Why is Wingull so cute?

| What makes Wingull so cute is when it is wearing pleated skirts with thigh-highs.

Why is being comfortable and confident sexy?

| Because it spreads. Well, tbf what people find sexy is more than confidence but others like being around someone who believes in themselves and looks on the bright side. Confident people often make everyone else feel more comfortable and happy. They can even make others feel more sure of themselves just by being around. This makes you an attractive person, someone others want to connect with and learn from.

Would you rather be beautiful and dumb or unattractive and intelligent?

Total number of posts: 85, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1723073977

This thread is permanently archived