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Are we still hanging on?

| are we still functioning well lads?

If not, hang in there!! The worst is yet to come :)

| >lads

| To cum

| Buenos días mi niña ???? que tal????

| I always thought that Hawaiian hand sign meant hang tight in to life, it was not and I was sorely disappointed.

| This forum is FUCKED we need a discord or something

| >>1021007 kill yourself. immediately.

| I can show two things hanging on in my body if you catch my meaning

| >>1021011
This doesn't narrow it down one bit!

| If anyone gonna hang, make sure to stream

| Hanging in there. Quitting job. Mental no longer booming. Gotta find new job so I'm zooting.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1721848333

This thread is permanently archived