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| green tea!!!!!!!!!

| Lame, black or some flower tea are where its at. Put some quality honey in them then boom. Best winter drink ever.

| Drinking grass lol,lmao even

| Imagine tea so shit you have to put something in them. Anyway, I've been drinking sencha for awhile now, best choice of my life. Have only been drinking the cheap grade so far, but still hella good, can't wait to go deeper down the rabbit hole, and spend all my saving on better grade.

| I like herbal lemon tea

| been digging masala chai recently

| >>1020959
The sencha I bought left a bitter aftertaste after taking a sip which sucked because it wasn't the cheap stuff.

I tried something called yellow tea which is fermented green tea and it was actually pretty dope.

| I drink water

| milk oolong

| Take matcha, just for the caffeine everything else is an extra

| >>1021016 okay but say it again without making a big deal out of it

| The yellow tea I mentioned earlier is called Yellow Sun from Whittard Chelsea and it's actually affordable in comparison to other yellow teas. I strongly recommend it.

But don't order the sencha from Whittard, trust me.

| I prefer long sleeves. Tea shirts aren't my cup of tee.

| >>1021026 I drank water

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1721782379

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