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i miss the girl i know who killed herself

| i just barely got to know her before. i wanted to help her. she died a few days after i sent her a friend request on discord and i still have her account in my outgoing requests area so i can remember her. she hadnt picked a name or at least never told any of us before she left, so i can't write it down here. i'm jealous she got out of here on her own terms

| Feel sad she's lost

| Fuck. I had a friend on discord who logged on in a long time. They seemed really anxious with the world. We met on vrchat. I think you’re supposed to raise your kids to be like them in this situation. I’m never going to have kids : (

You should live a good life or something like in haibane renmai. Supposedly we have people who care about us

| Have sex and have fun.

| Are you going to do it too? Sent discord ID

| I've missed the stream, someone posts the vod

| I bet she doesn't miss you, move on

| Why miss her? Just join her

| >>1021037

>: (

| She lives on in your brief interaction and impression they've left on yourself. For bad and good.

| It is sad when they press alt f4
I've had this happen too many times

| >>1020926 it's hard to live with and I've almost been that girl that disappeared. It gets sad as a trans person especially watching other people like you drop one by one :(

| >>1021038 I would love to get kill by you <3 but I don't really have any insensitive topic I can think of rn

| >>1021058 stay strong ????

| fuck. reminds me of a friend i used to have, he saved people from suicide online but couldnt save everyone and that fucked him over emotionally

| >>1021100
How’d he save them?

| >>1021161 can't go wrong with mating press

| Damn,guess she REALLY didn't want to be ur friend

| >>1021205
GOOD to know thank you

| Wish I wasnt too much of a wimp to kms ngl

| ^ cutie spotted

| She's only gone when you forget her

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1722152430

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