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| What happen to the early days of VTubers? Back when VTubers did skits and were more like comedians instead of actual idols or gamers

I miss Kaguya Luna. Are there any VTubers that still only do comedy sketches?

| Selling interaction to touch-starve audience is more profitable I assuming. idk gurl, I only masturbate to shondo voice and fuck off instantly.

| They either moved to a more profitable market, died of Covid, or quit. Comedy takes work and/or talent, being a gamer idol is fast, easy and profitable.
It sucks, yeah, but what can you do?

| >>1020913 she can become comedian vtuber herself???

| >>1021020
I’d need a smart girl to write funny jokes for me and help me set up all the technology and be brave and protect me from deranged fans…
Say… haha you’re kind of smart…thinking of solutions like that…uh hiiii

| >>1021021
I score in the top 2% on IQ tests but I don't fancy myself smart. I can also come up with jokes and puns that can make myself laugh so obviously I'm funny, but don't tell anyone half the jokes are probably stolen. Am i hired?

| >>1021033
Yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Also if it goes well can we kiss?
So I have a really crappy webcam and a blue snowball mic, but my parents are home much of the time. I could grab a laptop and do it in a forest or something though. What software should I start getting set up? I saw some paid corporate thing but that sketched me out, you know? And then probably we’ll just make a twitch or YouTube or whatever? I’m excited gurl mwah!

| >>1021033 *fucks your mouth*

| >>1021049
That can be the name of our channel! I’ll be mouth and she’ll be fuck!

| >>1021050 Great I'll be your first comment, I score in the top 99% on paid IQ tests but I can pretend to be smarter than the others. It takes me no effort to copy and use any trendy joke, although I don't find them fun at all I do laugh every time. But don't tell anyone that half the joke are probably original. Can I start making defamatory allegations against your channel?

| >>1021051
Can you m-make them in person in my bed perhaps while pinning me down?

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1721784900

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