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I can't believe this is happening

| I never had a gf before. I only tried to date a bunch of girls but they always found someone else within months which always left me heartbroken.
Now I found a girl in a game and we fell for each other in a matter of weeks. We talk for hours about ourselves and found out we are the type of partner we are looking for in a relationship.
Fate never treated me this kindly, it feels too good to be true and that scares me.

| I love you too. Accept that it may be temporary, and resolve to love both for an enjoyable present, and enjoyable future. Any moment of joy you have is a gain, and will not be lost if things end

| Is she your GF rn or are you just saying that?

| >I found a girl in a game
You're going to get pounded and creamed.

| >>1020829 I consider her more than a friend but less than a girlfriend because it's still very early stages. We just know that we want to date each other for sure and take it from there. We already have plans to meet up and trip together. I never made it this far with a girl so it's already pretty good compared to past experiences.

| May your love prosper and be without troubles.
One of life's greatest tragedies is that love is not a magical, unbreakable thing.
But I do wish you OP for your love to be as magical as it can be.

| >>1020833 aight gurl, best of luck and remember. even if you fail don't become an incel to cope like some gurl on this site

| Good luck and congratulations!

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1721709600

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