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What do you call when (religious) parents backpedals

| on their faulty argument, and does not want to admit their fault in delivering informations and insist on saying that they should be blamed for the problem and the occassion, but pisses you off whenver the bill is asked upon or as they must "communicate" themselves on you
and then went back and blames you for all your misfortune being lacking in communicatives instead of their original 'eulogy' of themselves.

i feel like killing them now honestly
so fucking useful

| what a shitty genetic to share
nothing good given. and asking so much

fucking trash
i bet they do so too, saying it. impure fag with so little tradeoff. only good in postulations, not even friends consider you good enough a prophet

and your "kind" god has nothing good to ask from your old man, it has to rape you, a little pussy girl, and now me, since you are also brokeback and useless. nice job. it's not real, ofc, you just have no choice. so whatever

| Try moving out, oh wait. you can't live without leeching them lmao

| >>1020774 Nor can you. in fact, they dont know you, so i guess you summarize as the "lazy useless youngsters" they said i shouldnt be. Good job, you both sound just the same, in servitude of people and things that dont consider you important. You should meet up, collide, go to church together, because you have no choice, and god too, being a faggot you wrote it be, gets tired of you too, naturally, like any men you copied from it.

Fucking garbage. Have a jab, moron.

| >>1020774 hope you enjoy your mum's basement, blake, since clearly they are too busy you have to come here for dumb ass conversation you find yourself too low to find any resemblance upon. naturally, being some useless prize scientologist limptard girl scout too fucking extra for anything,actually.

| >>1020779 is the only way you know how to reply is a generic insult? Like I said many time at this point 50k-chan, stopped being retarded or kill yourself already (I recommend killing yourself)

| >>1020780 took enough to drive you insane. your slow reply dont require much attendance. why do you still talk to me for stupid fucking adrenaline, i hve no idea.
i guess you have no life, and you fail to hang yourself being a massive overweight femoid

with this generic insult you have receibed deservingly way too often, go fuck yourself, kindly, for your own fucking good. MORON

| >>a527e8 slow reply. went off to cry? as usual? buy a bb gun, and put it on your head. no need to beg a man to do it for you. but i guess you are no good even at holding a dead horse penis

| damn arent you overbearing. this is why wikipedia is invented, so you can put your asswad braindead communication to better communicate what you actually mean physically

| >>a527e8 gone huh? go back to praying. your most comfortable spot. and while you feed that paradox of yours, come back and get pissed again at your shitty little charade, like how everything else went right over your head, being some worthless self-ovulating garbage of the begginning of time, much like all your religious fashion serve to remind you...mostly to your comfort, and no one else...which is, the best you can ever get.

| Lmao

| >>1020786 Jesus Christ gurl they're already dead !!!

| >>1020772
Protecting one’s ego is what they’re doing. People don’t want pain, you need to find a happy way to get what you want from them where they feel good. Just like people don’t want the hassle of kids but religion makes it feel cool, so few people are religious but many people have religious parents lol.

I do like my comfort, but I like my gurls too: ( I think it’s really frustrating to deal with things like this. Pat pat, it’ll be ok gurl

| I'm gonna be honest op it's hard to understand what you're trying to say with your writing style

| I didn't read this thread

| >>1020823
I never even bother reading posts when their writing styles are this fucking bad. Why waste your time on someone who don't care about or understand how retoric works let alone basic communication?

| 50k-chan is a sussy baka, and I feel bad for them.
They clearly have an unstable mind and too much internet access. I hope they get the help that they so desperately need.

| >>1020911
Can I have that help too?

| >>1020946 do you have bpd? cut? suicidal? depressed? leave your social and I'll stalk you.

| >>1020965
In… a helpful way?

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1721747719

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