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Ok mon amis, hear me out

| So the forest has been impassable since the times of Caesar. It has so few roads, no one could move large forces without a huge traffic jam.
Imagine if a few bois blasted off the first ones to try crossing, how would chaos favor us. We could also knock down some trees at key junctions, and equip our favorite Grande Armeé bois with machine guns. And even should they come, it'll take them around 60 hours to cross.
So yeah, let's take the boys to Belgium, Qu'est-ce que vous pensez?

| jesus fucking christ not reading all that shit wild cunt

| Une baguette.

| >>1020575 Fuck off with that "all that shit" weak ass willpower. That ain't nothing nuff said.

| tl;dr

| >>1020575
Twitter generation^

| Orbital strikes fix everything

| France: our forêt is impenetrablé

| Woke up and france still exists,day ruined

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1721549323

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