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fuk tech

| stranded in some shitty ass town cuz of flight delay.
now my phone is buggin out completely.
fuk tech.

| I will gladly fuk tech ;3

... *PLAP* ow *PLAP* ow *PLAP* ow

...*squish noises* w uughfh yea..

...*short circuit noise* AAAAAAAA!!!!


| here goes the finest g/u/rl of this godforsaken textboard. died doing what she loved, fucking a toaster. o7

| Heroic gurl o7

| UwU fuk me harder

| same gurl
at hotel rn, stomach hurts like shit
whats like the thinkpad of phones?

| Tech is a false deity. People act like tech is perfect and nothing but progress and arbiters of truth, but it's scraps thrown together shittily cause that's what makes money and are made by people with all their faults and biases and nobody even fully knows exactly how that shit even works
It's fucking metal and lights with electricity running through it. It needs to stope being idolised or used to pretend like the world is getting better or "progressing"

| >>1020594
Good luck with 9th grade!

| Finally at the airport and there are windows error screens everywhere. This shit sucks

| >>1020594 Well, that's true. But there is no denying that what we have is actually the result of all the inhibitions everyone has to deal with, it's a tool that's easy to earn with few drawbacks particur if you know what you're using.
However, tech being so much developed and interesting, made it so that it's become a necessity and it ended up also associated to fashion.

| I have to admit that your point of it not being progression at all makes sense.
But we are biased on hurrying everything up when it catches our interest.
It can be more like the simplest and most available solution to what we percept as progression.
We could use new materials for any sort of expansion.
Or I could just sit and watch how we'll clown on each others with the current "tech".


| >>1020601
Yeah, the industrial cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike fucked up an update for Windows. Estimated several billion dollars in damages.


| >>1020615 >>1020618
I agree. Ofc I do also like some parts of tech, most of my hobbies and creative work is digital, I've travelled to different places and met incredible people thanks to it. But it overall comes with the same amount of if not more downsides and positives
Ik people who've had their life saved by modern tech, ik people who've lost it to tech failures. The world is dying from how desperate we've been to mass produce shit. Genocides have become terrifyingly efficient

| People view stuff like A/Cs as progressive tech, but several societies around the world pre-idustrialisation was building houses that naturally self-regulate in temperature. We just build houses that overheat like crazy and then sell A/Cs to the people living in them
People cling onto narratives of "progress" cause those "justify" all the bad parts and negatives in their mind. If it's "progress" it's fine if you're being forced to buy shittily produced phones as a life necessity

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1721571435

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