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Invent new zoomer words

| I'm convinced wowsers is going to make a comeback this generation.

| That's cap you beta. "Wowsers" is not as sigma as "Poggers". Did you come up with this take in Ohio fr? I hope you disconnect yourself from the game server, maidenless cuck.

| >>1020525 now ain't that a skibidi in the toilet.

| its wowzers u n00b

| >>1020525
>maidenless cuck.
Lmao, - 1000 aura Gooner. Your take is only going to have rizz when tf2 gets fixed.

| Wowsers is so desde, won.

| I personally think 'sexy pants' should make a come back.
-poppy de una familia

| >>b2e2b3 what's fr fr is, the gyatt was rizzed from the start

| Cobidy

| Fanum tax down everypony, we're all gooners, chuds and boymoders deep inside our skibidi toilet-shaped heart.
Let my homie glaze over the brainrot words future as she pleases, I say! On God! FR!

| w0wzerz. shoutout to teh 1337 haxx0rz. rip gay n00bs. get DDoSd and hma

| Reading thus tread makes me want to kill myself

| >>1020846 post vid

| >>1020846 you mean "krill yourself"?

| ur such a wendy maybe try to be more freezed out and take it on a sac of honey, like you should pinch it out sometime
also frfr no cap, let them cook gurl

| >>1020844
#4©|< 7#3 /*£4/V37

| >>1020915 Hack the Planet!

| Chomber

| So desde

| wigglef

| That's so lurpity g/u/rl. Makin' me go kee kee for the Wisconsinpilled effect. Haven't you seen the finale of The Doys? I loved how Yulk said "It's Yulking time" and proceeded to Yulk all over the place. Absolute Cinema.

| I like yulk it might have legs

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1721866833

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