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Minecraft server rant

| >on this Minecraft server
>im 17
>I asked chat what is aids on the internet.
>some dude brings up his ex partner has hiv and told me to F off.
>if my mom had aids, i will still be joking about this shit to cope and if someone told me that question as well, I see them as trying to help me cope.

Do I lack emapthy or the Minecraft community is cringe?

| Like seriously, in my eyes if I replaced aids with “something bad” I have a feeling you are going to think about ur ex, because “something bad” and aids are both something bad

| I think it's fair to be sensitive about some topics or dislike saying things like that. I dislike jokes calling things "cancer" given a family history of it. You could just be like "sorry" and move on and never think about that conversation again instead of focusing in on it, I don't think there's anything wrong with somebody saying they aren't comfortable with a joke or comment that was made.

| Well, what I think what’s wrong with it is that is that they allow the bad history not give new history. And once you allow new history, you wouldn’t be bothered by a death by a loved one; making it easier to move one. Libs don’t understand this

| On*

| What I’m saying is: people should stop focusing what some things mean like the n-word. They recivers should focus on instead is what they want it to mean.

I kinda feel wrong for posting this but pls tell me why instead of ridiculing me. Feel kinda anxious telling my closest ones

| I don’t tell my closest ones a lot of what I think because they’re very attached to not feeling wrong, weird and outcast by society. I would only hurt them, and in the end I love them somewhat. They’re all I have at least.

People react emotionally to things automatically, so it’s only worth going through the discomfort if they will learn a more useful version of the word. I’ve been trying to attack actions rather than say someone’is an X’ but maybe that makes me weak.

| People are too comfortable with forcing their sensibilities to others and guilt-trip others into accomodating every single sensibility

I mean, I get it, I'm (and you all are) human too, I understand that there are people that face terrible things in their lives that are very difficult to accept/move on from.

But damn it, we live in a society!
I mean it!
We should try to make others' day brighter and easy going
Try to be stoic for others. But also, be stoic for yourself's sake.

| I think yeah the emotion and love and fellowship often gets forgotten in this swirl of correctness and shame and trying to be ‘based.’ Imagine if they’d broken down crying after you said that and you’d comforted them and tended to their depleted spirits, spoon feeding them after they couldn’t move-stricken by the tragedy of aids. Imagine if, as they recovered you too had looked down, still ashamed to have hurt them and they’d swept you up in an embrace and world changing kiss

| Yes to both.

| >>1020397

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1721709994

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