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Emotional Instability

| So I have friends on Discord and the tl;dr is that I'm very easy to set off when it comes from being happy to sad. When thet happens one of my main friends always gets frustrated with that. Today specifically I said something like "I don't have to be here if you don't want me." And while I was confident saying it in the moment, the fact they get frustrated with that constant mood switch has me wondering if I'm a burden. Like things could be so much easier for them.

| btw if you're wondering why i'm posting this here instead of talking with them, a lot of times I'd dm that friend when I feel I fuck up but they'd never get back to me.

| cute

| wtf are you literally no joke me? I had this same exact thing (minus the discord part) happen to me recently...

| Be my friend on discord :3

| very cute

| Sounds like you are either emotionally underdeveloped or emotionally manipulative. You should find out why your mood swings so drastically, and take steps to moderate yourself so this doesn't happen again. Or get a great pair of rocking tits, most guys will put up with anything as long as boobs are involved.

| >>157289 this, or bpd if it's happy one week and satanic another

If complaining to someone feels the same or equivalent to talking then you gotta lvl up ur mental age

| >>157289 >>c03bb9 I support these gurls. They will each get a unlimited .rar subscription.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1721729538

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