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| K so I'm getting into genetics and life if you look at how proteins are made: it's just factory, bio-machines fuel us at an infinitely small level in infinitely grand ways. And we take their lil work for granted and insult them.

So thank you genes, chromosomes, and chromatin. Everyone say thing you


| Ah but not infinitely ;) . Big jumbles of proteins are visible under the microscope, and loss of function in single genes can cause huge effects. But yea
Thanks little guys pat pat~

| I was taking a biology class the other month and I agree, all this business going on in every living being is very cool.

| Whatever you do, just don't get the marvellous idea of trying to make a living through research. We're overworked, underpaid, and we always get paid late. In my case, six months late. You get to see engineers with cars and going places while you pray for a safe trip on public transport and have cup noodles for lunch. You want it harder than that, pick arts. You want it easier, literally anything else.

| mfw when they don't know about the transmissible venereal tumor which has metastized into the human brain and created language consciousness and thought by sealing Gog and Magog behind the gates of the amygdala

| >>1020180
Uh oh…
Have sex and have fun!

| >>1020162
I always apologize to my platelets whenever I cut myself.

| *unzips ur genes*
Oh my~

| >>1020304 Nice helicase roleplay.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1721283316

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