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Anyone else scared of this forum dying?

| Obviously since Va-11hall-a came out almost a decade ago, things will slow down but I'm genuinely scared of this website dying g/u/rls what do?

| Exchange contact information and enjoy it while it lasts. You’re dying too girl : )

| G/u/rl this is one of the most active English language textboards, what are you even talking about?

| Waaaaah it’s over please comfort me >>1020101
*snuggles up to you *

| >>1020101 ur so schizo;)

| >>1020100 I wish there was a Discord server or sum but that would defeat the purpose of the forum

| she doesn't know

| it's better for her that she doesn't know.

| I think it'll be A WHILE before that lmao, but would it really be a big loss? This is just a collective hostage situation

| >>1020105

| I just recently got here and frankly this place seems active enough, regardless of what's posted here and what not.

| kinda, I like this place

| If it gets reused in nirvana we'll have another good 8 years

| >almost a decade ago
but it's still 2018???????

| pff
I'm inevitable
all you can do is waiting for when I'll come to kill you all
nothing personal g/u/rls ;P

| >>1020102
Kissu kissy~there there gurl~you’ve been a good gurl and it’s going to be ok~mwah

| I've been here for years. There are ebbs and flows but there's never a moment when everything is quiet (just moment when all the posts are rancid, which I'm honestly more worried about).

| it's not really that bad, normtards get out, true g/u/rls stay

| >>1020098
This place is basically already dead for a couple years compared to how active it used to be back during the first 3 years

| Nigga we get this kind of post every fucking month

| Yeah, I'm scared of this forum AND I'm dying. What of it?

| >>1020256
We’re coming for you

| >>1020260 Yay <3

| >>1020263
Mmmwah <3 cutie

| real g/u/rls know that it's only a matter of time before .45 Parabellum gives us a shot of life and a new coat of paint.

| >>1020247 we desperately need some ritual jokes to side /u/ is dying threads.

| >>1020276
There's no way Kiririn will put danger/u/ in .45

| >>1020276 just one more week and ann-a will be released, sis, we're so coming back from this one, /u/ will be great again sis just you wait, ann-a is gonna-
oh wait
just one more week and parabellum will be released [...]

| >forum

| Meow
-poppy de una familia noble poppilina

| haxx my 4nus

| >>1020291 Nah it's totally going to be in the game, trust me.

| >>1020291 she doesn't know

| This forum is FUCKED girls IT’S OVER

| Nvm I think it’s going to be ok

| >g*rls

| >>1020305 based poppy

| >>1020352 We're so back!

| Nope not worried, been here since the first app and even an attempted coup didn't kill the site

| It's just a little slimy. It's still good, it's still good!

| >>1020488
Damn mobilefags ruining our board

| >>1020501 mobilelesbs* g/u/rl, mind your manners

| Mind you nyanners >:3

| >>1020526 you're a sweet NYANNER

| >>1020530 awww thankies>/w/<

| >>1020501 good luck trying to access blank on pc dummy

| This forum is DYING I think it’s going to be every girl for herself cannibalism and I’m not a gurogurl waaaaah

| I'll stop posting here when Theg pulls the site from my cold dead hands

| >>1020098 I do wish to meet you all on some other discussion boards

| >>1020672 which ones?

| My bedroom perhaps? :3

| My dungeon perhaps? :3

| My basement perhaps? :3

| My asylum perhaps? :3

| My Shutter Island perhaps :3

| My higurashi-theme torture bunker perhaps :3

| My bedroom perhaps :3

| My bedroom perhaps:3

| My bedroom perchance :3

| My goonroom mayhaps >:3

| My groom's room, maychance ~{♡●♡}~

| Wedding bed perhaps *[030]*

| Thanks beautiful lady

| Your room where I will you do things to your body which might land me in jail, weather permitting ( ・ิω・ิ)

| This place dies when the Russian g/u/rls stop posting

| >>1020294 hope we can word-of-mouth market .45 the same way helldivers 2 did it

| Never played the game. Still here.

| >>1021169
Are you aware that russia has the third highest rate of suicides in the world? No wonder this place is obsessed with suicide all the time, it's only a matter of time for them.

On a different note, a high profile economist died from falling from a window after saying that russias economy i going down the drain.

On another different note russia recently announced a new space station who's gonna begin operations in 6 years lol

| >>1021196
I'll save them!!!!!
I NEVER leave a gurl behind!

| >>1021271
Then you are based to the maxx

| >>1021285
Mmmmmwah! My cousin is an immigration lawyer should I ask her anything and pass it on?? I’m not a bright or capable gurl but I car about you!

| Rus g/u/rls need to be brought West and given the love they deserve, with lots of headpats!!!

| >>1021496 russia is terrible, but it has one thing going for it- it's honest about how terrible it is
parts of the west are realizing how terrible they are, but instead of being honest with themselves, instead of admitting their irreconcilable systemic failures, they just say they're 'not liberal' or 'not multicultural' or 'not x' enough, as if adhering to a dead schema will save them

| >>1021521
>it's honest about how terrible it is

is it though?

| >>1021542 perhaps i've allowed myself to be too optimistic

| >russia i honest about themselves

| : ( yeh I hope we can build a really big house for all the russian gurls to live in and they'll all get married and have 100 babies

| >>1021545 nuke the Russian house

| >>1021587 what if I'm russophilic? And impregnate a gorbillion russian g/u/rls?

| >>1021587
Duke Nukem is not to be found on you!!!

| >>1021196
Those Russian threads have been going on for years at this point. They'll be fiiiine

| >>1021757
You means those called "Base Russian language threads"?

| >>1021757
more like cope

| The fact that this thread keeps getting bumped is quite ironic

| >>1021196
are you retarded or do you not just know how to look a statistic up

| >>1021804
also this lol
russian or not it's gonna be alive for a good few years

| This forum is DOOMED. We are done for. I failed. All of you failed. This forum could’ve been a great place, and in a few years it’ll all be over. Hahaha say ‘oh no it’ll be ok’ WHILE YOU STILL CAN

| >>1021823 I think not
Because I Will always be here!!

| >>1021838
omg I NEVER should've doubted you gurl. Love you so much

| >>1021841 I luv yu too mwah

| danger/u/ will never die

| Not really. If it does that's OK, just the natural order of things

| i mean none of us three have left for years now, i'm committed if you are

| We will be here until the site dies or we do

| >>1021805
Coping much? It's 100% true and verified, suicide-мальчик.

| >>1021823

Total number of posts: 96, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1722598217

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