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About corruption

| Although I know how it works by reading fiction, recently I found myself surprised when I see it done for real.
I'm digging through people's characters more and found that the only goal of some is about making less aggressive or proactive people their slave.
Their job is to only show a good appearance, sort of: be competent at X, look good in this social ground Y, have shared hobbies Z to talk with.

| As long as they keep showing off the better visual, they can play other's based on instincts and other senses like responsability.

Best part is that I see myself just at the top peak of the iceberg, how humoristic, hopefully I won't age too old to find myself trapped in a more advanced technique in the future.


| How old are you g/u/rl?

| >>1019927
same question

| Probably as old as you think I'm, I had a clean road till I started changing where I live.

| >>1019936
You had a silver spoon and a lack of critical thinking from the sound of it
This is the kinda shit most people realise in, like, elementary school
You're stating a basic observation about the world that everyone else is aware of, this isn't deep g/u/rl I'm sorry
Like, yh, you're right, but this is like saying "you need money to buy food"

| well *I* don't even understand this thread so you know more than me! I think people have lots of goals and dominate each other sometimes.

Also silver spoon is something to be proud of! I'm so glad my mom and dad could protect me, and if you didn't have it, you deserved to!

| >Although I know how it works by reading fiction

| Bit disappointed that this isn't corruption as in government officials running off with your money and instead uhh? Some general idea that people can be manipulative? Huh?

| >>1019959 yeah. Like, this is literally not a description of corruption

| >>1019959 It kind of is, in a causation scale. Government officials running off with your money is only possible from their power positions, which more often than not, are acquired only through continuous repetitions of sequences such as the one OP talks about. Nepotism and corruption, in this sense, stem amd spread from the same root. Sure, no one's special for noticing this, but 1, better late than never, and 2, more people aware of this is always a good thing. Good for you, OP.

| can't wait for this to spiral out into mindless doomer posting

| Wait until you found out about sex

| >>1019961
Nepotism is a whole different thing, g/u/rl

| >>1019968
ngl the other definition of corruption I was thinking of was the sex kind

| there are different ways to fulfill an ego, it's wasteful to worry about each of them
enjoy life in the way it is gifted to you
let the greed for power to those who don't know any better

| Are you a sociopath, OP? Or did you just notice due to high intelligence?

| Crap, you're telling me people with impure motives exist? Man, I'll need some time to think about this...

| I love the corruption. I always pick it over the crimson.

| >>1020020 dodge>>>>>>>> percentual protection
also cool gun/piss magic > whatever shit corruption gives

| >>1020030 Counterpoint: purple> red.

| I like the musket more than whatever gun the crimson gives as well. It's fancy.

| Nah, corruption zone hole look like shit, I like crimson brain cave more

| >>1020045 can't play with crimson because the Blood Crawler reminds me of a tick and makes me too horny to play

| >>1020057 don't know why or how tick make you horny, but that's hot af

| >>1020057
Crawl crawl slurp slurp : 3

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1721189797

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