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hey gurls violent thoughts

| I am starting to despise the other gender
My therapist just ignores it when I try to talk about it
Gurls where tf can I turn to?
Yes I am desperate thats why I'm writing here lulz

btu srsly I think I am becoming a threat in a misguided attempt to be acknowledged

| eh I think it's wrong to interact with those lower than yourself. 'she who fights with monsters should take care not to become a monster.'

What do you want from the person you turn to? That will determine who you should turn to.

You should also know I'm a neet and have never kissed or been held. I think media like steinbeck and terry pratchet books made me realize how right others feel hurting me, so I can't really hate them, because I see myself in them. Maus was ok too I think

| >>1019813 Which Pratchett books in particular made you think as such? I'm curious, having read a bunch of his Discworld books, though perhaps you're talking of some other books of his.

| Once I understood neuroticism as a symptom of not wanting to deal with shit in my own life it made for a good way to flush out dumb thoughts about other people so to speak.

Some people have an annoying neighbor and shrug it off and for some it can ruin their life.

| Well I’ve consumed a lot of media, but I figure I read them and liked them so they must’ve had an effect. I liked the night watch books of discworld like guards guards and the one where he goes back in time.

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1720960581

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