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What is yo/u/r prefered alcohol drink?

| For me it's amaretto. I always keep an emergency bottle..

| Half a bottle down btw.

| How does it feel? I’m having a calm day

| >>1019787
It's nice. Don't need to worry about anything and I can cut myself without having to feel any pain

| The more enibriated I am the easier it is to cut my wrists

| Blood is the beauty of life

| What did your wrists do to you waaaaah I hate to see the innocent get hurt I bet they didn’t do ANYTHING!

| I've done a lot of things that deserve suffering but honestly other people have done way worse things to me and gotten off scot-free. Life fucking sucks

| If I drank alcohol, I would probably prefer vodka.

| >>1019795
Straight or flavoured? I do love me some Koskenkorva salmiakki.

| https://litter.catbox.moe/y9ojjq.jpg
Life fucking sucks

| >>1019796
Probably pure, but probably sometimes will mix it with honey or raspberries, etc, like tea, but, remember, do not put honey in hot tea!

| >>1019800
Straight is fine but I tend to like a bit of real flavour to my vodka

| >>1019798
I've continued more and more and more and more and mors and more and more and more during thd night. Fuck my life.

| >>1019803
Cutting I mean

| gin and lemonade here. taste of a white girl but the boy of a white boy

| gin n tonic or daiquiri

| relapsing sucks op but you're still strong. just get back up tomorrow and start again.

| >>1019807
I hope I won't get up tomorrow. Sadly I for some stupid reason will.........

| >>1019794
But your WRISTS? I think they're nice : (
Your hair looks soft and nice to touch, and your skin looks sproingy and nice

why not cut like your brain next time? Apparently trepanning is like cool and upper class it's not like in the old days when it was just lower class people doing self surgery.

I do hope you feel better : ( I like my gurls on here, you've probably made me smile in the past.

You could try running, I hear that's an alternative to cutting.

| >>6491f4
Feeling sorry for yourself as a cover is stupid.

| I love my warm covers even if I’m stupid : ) don’t be ashamed, remember the things which make you laugh is my advice. When I was suicidal I real a little bit of the color of magic by terry pratchet and that helped me

| >>1019814

| Cheer up emo duck

| your piss

| >>1019808 i know. the good thing about being at the bottom is that you can be sure there will be better days soon

| >>1019802
"There is no comrade for taste and color", such an idiom, if anything. Close in meaning to "Each his own".

| why couldn't I bleed out in my sleep......

| : (

| Just a water for me. Anything stronger and I'm out cold in a sip.

| i don't really drink a lot, but gin and tonic

but fucking hell, these threads, man
op, quit posting on textboards

| >>1019905
I should honestly just stop posting when drinking. (Or just stop drinking in general...)

| >see a new thread on /u/
>hope for some decent discussion
>its 30 posts in a row by the same mentally ill woman
i might as well cut myself in lieu of browsing this place honestly

| >>1019933
I’m not sure I believe in mental illness, but I can just tell this threat should be all about you. You just talk as much as you want in here gurl, and I’ll shout down anyone who tries to stop you!!!

What do you like?
What do you dislike?
Do you have any funny stories?
Do you think you could live your life more like a harem anime protagonist?

| >>1019935 i will take the offer at face value, thanks.
sometime in 2016, i was passed a bootleg copy of undertale. it didn't have papyrus nor sans in it. they were deliberately cut out in a way that left the unknowing player, unknowing, and i played the neutral and pacifist routes without incident. the fact that the skeletons were supposed to be part of the game only came out during discussing it with a friend in 2018.

| the dissonance sparked an argument that was ultimately solved by comparing copies.
it was amusing.
*fucks her own mouth, rolls out*

| >>1019949
Good, because my face is very valuable you know *winks cutely*

That’s pretty cool! I always heard good things about undertale, but I don’t know if I could sit still long enough for it. It’s fun to explore these worlds summoned from the ether by art though!!

Just watched a lobotomy corporation lore video myself. Look like a great story, I think they’re actually going to save the city, mistakes, suffering and all.

| Anything with gin

Total number of posts: 38, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1721091783

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