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remember to chat what you drink

| I got given a pretty tasty drink that had "bird swallow nest" in it, it tasted like aloe vera. However, imagine my surprise when I google it and find out that it is "bird nests created from solidified saliva".

Moral of the story: always check what you drink

| Yeah, that shit is like western placebo superfood in asia

| >not distilling or importing all your own consumables

| What was a bird nest doing inside of a drink?

| >>1019530 bird spit really

| >>1019574 what for

| That shit costs like 2 grand per pound you better be gratefull instead shitposting BOY

| hawk tua drink frfr xDD jus spit in that thang lmfao

| coffium

| >rich people be like
>I only eat goat testicles that have gone through stage 4 prostate cancer

| Ooooh I wanna try that
I love expensive things so much I want to own several gold objects one day and put them around my house

| >>1019854 lmao

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1721058733

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