This thread is permanently archived
I'm poppy ama

| I'll answer every question yes yes, except for dox stuff

| How's your Vtuber career going?

| Didn't you make some good posts in the past? Thanks for making em poppy.

What's something you do regularly, which benefits you, and you had to learn to do?

What's something others do, which you avoid, and does it leave a hole you need to fill?

How can we help the elderly, while not wasting our youth?

Is psychology real? Can we actually add it to our lives? Why don't we see super successful people constantly maximizing mental treatments, and could we make that real?

| >>1019341 I'm not a vtuber, I however, used a pre-made vtuber model a few times when doing online therapy because I didn't feel like showing my face. The therapist thought it was cool.

| I'm pomu by the way

| >>1019344 I did make those posts

I program, make websites, recently got into circuit board making, basically just a whole bunch of nerdy stuff. It's helps me express my creativity because I'm better at problem solving then art.

Hard question, but I avoid really happy, have their life together people. It makes me uncomfortable because I feel like I'll never truly be happy.

My great grandma is still alive, so I visit her a lot, just talking makes her feel nice.

| >>1019341 psychology is real, however it's not as powerful as people make it out to be when it comes to positivity, however it's very strong negatively, manipulation ect.

| >>1019353 nice to meet you pomu I'm poppy

| Online therapy lol,lmao even

| Thanks poppy!

| >>1019359 she already qualify to be a Vtuber lol

| >>1019362

Maybe you should try making nice posts like poppy or being kind to your elders instead of this unearned smugness. Grrrrrrrrrr



| fucking hate danger/u/ but I LOVE niceposters!!!

| Are you trans >>1019354

| >>1019391
Gluck Gluck Gluck <3 <3 <3

That’s because YOU’RE a niceposter gurl :3

| >>1019413 obviously, if I wasn't a girl then what would it be? A boy? Pff

| it -> I

| What do you think of ponoes?

| >>1019418 why am I not surprised at all

| >>1019520 a music phonograph? Honestly I wish I had one, I have a load of records from my great grandparents.

| >>1019544
Have you tried listening to the digital versions? How will you know if their taste was good or bad?

| >>1019551 I have a record player so I listen on that, they'd had pretty good taste.

| do you cut? please post pic if you do <3

| >>1019824 use to, not anymore, been a few years, don't plan on doing it again

| You’re cool poppy thanks for being on here. Do you think it’s better to have a relationship with someone you respect or someone who makes you happy?

| My aunt said if they don’t make you feel good about yourself, get em out of there! She’s really cool I think you’d like her. Do you think you can love someone for your whole life? I think maybe, but have a good plan if you change.

| No idea who you are. Care to fill me in? Have you been eating properly? Taken care of your health, and ensuring you're insured?

| >>1019918 thank yew ur cool too. I'd much rather be with someone who makes me happy, but its pretty darn hard to only do one or the other, respect is needed to be equal partners to each other. And I totally believe you can love someone forever, I just think it's decently rare to find someone to love forever.

| >>1019963 I'm poppy hello. Ive been a semi active poster on here for like, 6+ years or more, too long, i got bored of being annonomus so i just started signing my posts with -poppy. Gets more interesting comments. I have been eating okay and taking care of my health a little less than I probably should. I'm really bad at being consistant. I am insured though, that ones all good.

| >>1019975 other posters acted like they know you. Why is that? Are you active on discord? I'm active since 2017 and never heard about anyone named poppy. I do remember grape chan though, for example. So?

| >>1019977 I'm active on /u/ since 2017

| >>1019977 she had a series of thread a week or two ago (or was it longer?) That she make a new thread about random topic *EVERYDAY* Last one was that "8 give me your favorite song" 8 indicate that it was the 8th thread made by Poppy. this one is a spinoff I assume.

-Pomu de una famulia noble pomulia

| Is poppy a girlpilled femcel?

| >>1019974
I guess I’ve been trying to make peace lately that’s it’s ok to love even if you know the chances of it lasting forever might be low. I really want true love… but I can be happy that my past self was happy, even if my future self can’t have it.

I’m going to love making the world better just as long as I can, and if I can have other loves during that time, I will enjoy them to the utmost.

| >>1019975
Well I hope you can feel some love for taking care of yourself. I’m still in bed on my phone myself, but I think I take care of myself when I particularly care. I know I won’t always, but when I do care about life, I’m happy for the responsible things I did in the past. I hope you can be too, I think you should be really clean and happy and healthy and wealthy.

| >>1019980 aah so it was poppy? Okay then poppy where is the thread 9

| >>1019977 I'm semi active on the discord

| >>1019984 I'm girl pulled but not very incel like, I am a bit edgy tho

| >>1019999 based

| >>1019975 I admit a part of me kinda expected a rather unhinged response. Thanks for the update. Now I'm kinda curious as to what do you think is interesting. You meant it as in, an open question allows for more discussion than a plain answer or unhinhed comment? Or as in, usually leading to interesting topics (such as...)? I'm glad to know that despite knowing yourself inconsistent, still manage to keep yourself in a decent enough state, though. Kudos on that.

| >>1020050 I'd say adleast 70% of the time when I sign my name on a comment or post, and someone actually responds to me, it's like an actual thought or question, and not just the brain dead edgy schizo rambles danger/u/ usually has. Ofc I do love those too sometimes. I have screen shots of a decent amount of funny quotes.

| After seeing this place slowly get more and more deranged over the last 6-7 years, sometimes its nice to have an actual conversation.

| I'm masturbating to Shondo rn. what do you think about that?

| >>1020119 Shondopilled g/u/rl

| I’m in love with poppy sorry poppy I know we’ll never be together how do I make myself a person who would make someone like you happy?

| >>1020119 that's pretty cool

>>1020124 be mentally ill, treat me like a cat, give me good food, play games with me, nice voice is a big plus, be more extroverted than me (I barely function in social settings), uh, don't be too crazy just a bit crazy, be nicely straight forward, help make me take better care of myself, work out with me, be a nerd, idk what else.

| >>1020119 *licks your tummy*

| >>1020150
Screenshotted for my own goals :3
I’ll go outside tomorrow and practice interaction.

Do you think our morals come from pleasure and pain?
If so, do we really have an underlying duty to kill ourselves with heroin since it gives us the most pleasure and least pain? I pretend not, even if it’s maybe so.

| >>1020061 70% is quite impressive. Given the state of things regarding brainrot, I expected worse. Do allow me to ask, then, what do you do with the thoughts you get? Or why to try to collect them in the first place? Is there a reason beyond mere curiosity? Thanks for paying attention to these questions, I'll admit some might be a bit uncomfortable

| >>1020183 I read the stuff I get, and answer them pretty honestly, I don't really do anything with them, as I only check /u/ like once or twice a day. It's pretty much just for intertainment, a feeling of some community, and a way to pass time.

| >>1020175 mostly pain and benefit, also we have no duty, we have no purpose either. Our only 'duty' are the ones we place upon ourselves. People will constantly ask or think, why does evil and pain exist? There's really only 2 reasons, one, it's for our survival as humans as weird as it may seem, and two, it's the price of true freedom. Morals also mostly come from how we are raised, but our biological nature can also have a small or huge impact on our morals. Just do what you want

| Poppy haaaiiii!!! Where are you from? Also what is your opinion on social media in general?

| >>1020195 good ol southern merica, it's kinda lame here tbh. I think social media is.. fine. But the main social media apps/sites I just feel like there not fun anymore, and they take too much personal data. That's why I like using weird text boards not many people know about, like danger/u/.

| Poppy, what kind of tools should I be using for digging half meter wide hole downward without too much noise at night under a camo tarp and hopefully easily portable across a street. I'll probably use shovel on the surface but idk about anything deeper. also any idea for what material should I use for the tunnel?

PS: I don't think I'll have any wall power either


-Pomu de una famulia noble pomulia

| >>1020200 I hate digging so much, it's awful, fuck digging fr, so idk. Cheers.

| >>1020274 There are two kinds of people in the world, those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.

| >>1020274 alright, I'll dig you instead

| I would dig it for you if you kissed me…

| >>1020353 don't know about kissing but, you can be my first victim *##*

| Poppy are you straight up gay and lame?

| >>1020188 I take it we've been pretty entertaining up to now then. Glad to know. I did notice your response regarding social media, and I agree, maybe because I'm getting old. What aspects of past time social media do you personally miss? Would you say it's a matter of contact and interaction, the relevance they've taken, with all its consequences, or something else entirely?

| >>1020416 sometimes, but not all the time

| What's one move in bed that makes a man go crazy everytime?

| >>1020421 what I miss about old social media is that people actually cared, people were actually pretty real for the most part, the social media places didn't steal every last drop of your information, people could actually customize their home page with css and make it super unique, and it was more community based rather than oh I need to get this many followers and this many clicks.

| I wonder how much of that change is just due to increased size and speed. I was on 4chan last night and there was some good stuff but for me and what I got it wasn’t worth it.

Poppy do you sign with poppy de in familia nobel? I thought you just signed poppy. I DON’T respect the Spanish aristocracy due to the inquisition, wars against the Dutch, and Spain’s poor modern history. Am I being foolish?

| >>1020504 sometimes
Poppy de una familia Nobel poppilina

| >>1020486 Ah, online authenticity. Defunct with the lysergic rise of influencers and everything after. How would you say we went from authenticity to the actual situation, where some people are tormented by the possibility of a video of themselves failing to reach a desired reaction count? I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, since you seem already clear on what you miss from then and what you dislike from now. Thank you for your time and thoughts. Know I appreciate them.

| >>1020570 I think the main thing is 1, computers and phones became mainstream and everyone has them now, and 2, people were able to grow up with them, playing with them as a baby. The further back you go the more expensive, and less common they were, and as such, the father back you go the more only adults used pc's. There was less online culture, it was more of a wild west, and with lack of culture comes bounds of unrestricted creativity. That's what I think.

| >>1020582 Although this being a thing is undeniable, I personally think it has more to do with confirmation and external validation as a means to assert one's identity. Likes and reacts are incredibly efficient at providing these, so kids at the age of defining themselves would be prone to become dependent on SNS, to the surprise of no one with a brain. Would you say there's a way back? Or do you think that this route can only spiral in its own degeneracy? Thank you, once again!

| what's the deal with airplane food?

| >>1020680 I don't think there is a way back. Unless like, giant sun flare bakes all tech. But prob won't happen. It's just gonna spiral, aldeast for the next couple of dozen years.

| Can't we all just fuck toasters and have fun?

| >>1020728
I love sex!

| >>1020728 oh my gosh fucking isn't good enough for me any more, I need something more lewd like... hand holding~♡ Tehehe

| You have to go back and seduce Jeremy Bentham, and change history, but your method and how you’ll affect him are up to you. What’s your play?

| being gay

| hi poppy-chan, im job-chan !! what kind of games do you like?

| how would you rate your experience at Texas steakhouse ma'am? complete the survey to get a 10% off next time you visiting us!

| >>1020769 oh my goshh welcome to my thread. I like a lot of games so I'll just tell you what I've been playing recently. Main one is starbound, basically space terraria, it's pretty cool. Next is Turing Complete, which is basically a circuit board class turned into a puzzle game, it's super cool. Then modded minecraft, and modded factorio. Also Pseudoregalia has been really cool. Most metroidvanias, pixle games, and creative games I like.

| why do you have chatGPT on your homepage?

| >>1020967 mostly because sometimes I'm lazy with coding projects.

| Who is Poppy really? Who's the g/u/rl behind the handle and why am I so out of the loop?

| >>1021032
She’s inside my heart and mind, and I’ve already probably been too much in her thread and a creep sigh owowowo
Now don’t bother her with such questions!

| >>1021032 hello I'm poppy, I'm just me, been on this site 6+ years, big tech nerd, I just sign my name on my posts so people know it's me. Meow

| Poppy is achtually a video popstar on yt that fell off

| >>1021032 she's my homie

| >>1021055 sort of? Kind of? I was just never popular in the first place

| >>1020727 Apologies on the late response. The combination of work and incompetence make for a powerful force. Which is kind of nice, given I intended to ask if work was treating you well. And, if it's alright, to elucidate me on what is it that you do. Care to oblige?

| Poppy! how do I mass murder cat as a species?

| >>1021415 pls don't murder cats as i am a cat

| >>1021413 right now I just freelance work. I do almost anything tech related. I can make websites, I can make python programs, I can make data bases, if you send me a broke pc I can fix it, or laptop(unless it's apple stuff), I can do unity and blender stuff. I kinda just take anything I can get.

I'm working on a computer engineering degree right now, and learning pcb making, as the job I wanna eventually work is making components for stuff.

| Can you summarize this thread?

| when was your peak Vtuber career, and why did you fall off?

| >>1021498 it was a asmr yt channel, and I peaked on one vid at like 10k views. Only had like 20 subscribers though. I gave up on it and turned it into a celeste channel but it only ever gets like 20 view or less per vid.

| >>1021491 I got asked a lot of stuff and I answered them

| >>1021453 Do forgive my ignorant derrière, but mind educating me as to what is pcb? And you mean components as in, chips and processors, or as in something else entirely? I'm technologically challenged, happens with being an old man. Thanks once again for your continued responses

| >>1021590 a pcb is basically a circuit board. You know the usually green or blue board/s that are inside most tech things. And by components I mean it in a general sense, such as pcb's, chips, ram, assembly code making. Meow meow

| >>1021595 Ah, then your aim would be to improve upon these. Your specific objective being, learning how to design your own, or improving upon already existing models? Any particular pieces you're particularly interested in, or we're talking components as a whole? I'm also curious if these wishes respond to curiosity only, knowledge on the potential of such work, both, or something else entirely. This is surely interesting. Allow me to express my gratitude.

| >>1021630 well right now I'm just learning. I'm working from the ground up building every semi basic component myself. I've made most logic gates, and, nand, or, xor, not, ect. Up to 8bit stuff, I've spent the last week making adding subtracting, multiplying and dividing for 8 bits. I've made 256kb ram/storage for program memory. I've made my own assembly using 'customasm'. Rn I'm focusing on learning cpu architecture, then functions, then assembly challenges, lastly pcb making.

| My main goal is to get up to 64bit components, with as little help as possible from googling. Once I do that and start getting into pcb making only then can I really consider what kinda area I'd wanna get into.

| When the next Poppy numbered thread gonna come?

| >>1021766 I dunno, tmmr?

| >>1021650 Holy crud, you seem already quite well versed. Did you study something else prior to this? I'd rather avoid confirmation biases, hence the question. Also, how would you say you developed such a... Profound interest on tech? I mean, we all grow into our own thing, but the reason behind yours would be an interesting thing to elaborate on, if it's not too much to ask. Once again, thanks for your time and thoughts.

| >>1021903 prior to all of this, my humble beginning started with 2 very simple things. Minecraft redstone, and modding minecraft. All the way back in 2011, when I was like, 13. How it turned into a hyperfixation was because my parents were extremely abusive in almost every way for a very long time.

But my previous studies include, basic networking, windows and linux administration, cyber security, moderate programming, websites, databases, physics. Rn I'm a jack of all trades.

| >>1021903 but being a jack of all trades in tech doesn't get you much. So I started specializing in computer engineering. My two best fields. Making dumb things work, physically and code wise. Hence computer engineering. Sitting at a desk writing code all day would bore me. Making components all day would also bore me. But combine the two and I don't think I'll ever get board. Especially with how much I still have to learn.. which is a lot.. almost too much. But I'll get though it.

| >>1021905 rn you jack off.

| I would jack poppy off or do anything else to make her happy <3

Poppy my motor scooter has a very slow leak, but new tires are too expensive. I'd like to not have to pump it up before I go out every day. does that fix a flat fluid work? what would you suggest?

| >>1021954 depends if it's a tear or just a hole, if it's just a hole they have so many like 10$ things you can order i can't count them all. If it's a rip then I'd just get duck or flex tape and deal with pumping it up every now and then

| are these people replying to me on this site actual human?

| >>1021977
Poppy how do I figure out the nature of the tear/hole? Will soapy water and looking if it’s a line help?

| >>1022181 they are human yes, but most of them are retarded humans, so, yeah.

>>1022205 if you can't tell the difference between a line and a circle then I think something might be wrong.

| >>1021906 First of all, allow me to congratulate you on such a high level of self awareness. I agree, a generalist often has greater assets than a specialist yet the world seems irredeemably bent on thinking lots of different specialists together make for greater an achievement than one generalist. This being said, how sorted is your future? In terms of, work as a means to an end (if so, whar is it?) Or as in, work is just one more avenue? Thank you, once again

| Well, the jobs I'd like and want to get don't actually have a lot available, however barely any people go down this field either, so even though there are less jobs there's less competition for them. I want stuff along the lines of cpu making, pcb making, ASIC, FPGA, Digital IC design. If you don't know what those are just look them up.

| Poppy have you considered asking the government for recompense for all you do for us slowgurls? We really appreciate you.

I found this article which was pretty much what you were saying and I’m going to submerge it in water to try to find it. I covered it in soapy water and I thought I saw a bubble forming in the rim but there were suds and soap all over the place.

How to decrease animals I eat while being healthy?

| >>1022242 add in Tempeh, Seitan, Tofu, Cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese to ur diet (if you're ok with milk products), and MOST importantly. Eggs. Just eat a lot of eggs.

| OK can do! I had 3 cups of yogurt today!

| Poppy, you should use insanely spicy food as a mean of SH *##* it's doesn't leave any scar and your tolerance build-up is not that fast! Damn just talking about it make me want to eat knock off indonesian plastic acid sauce ramen :p

| Should I bump this thread?

| Poppy I had pleasant conversations with 2 random people in public today but the loneliness is getting a little tough. How and where do I find a poppy-like gf? Is that a realistic goal as an undergraduate with questionable career prospects? Does treating her like a cat mean not getting too attached ? What should I do if I want her but she doesn’t want me to help feel better?
Also suggestions for a cheap vps to use as a torrenting vpn?

| >>1022795 well a poppy is usually pretty isolated, so you can only find them online most the time. I'd say the best place to find a poppy would be vrchat, make sure the poppy is a old vrc user those are the real ones. Rarely you'll also find poppies at trans meet ups. Poppy shouldn't care about ur job or money. You can get close/attached to a cat. Sometimes a poppy just doesn't want help, and you should respect that but let them know you're here anytime they need.

| >>1022795 also aren't most if not all torrent vpns free? Just use the tor browser? If you want a regular free VPN I use proton vpn




| Mrow!

| AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Poppy, the greatest tragedy has befallen upon me!!!! I knew this day would come, it's only a matter of time after all. Listen to this, One of the japanese menhera girl I followed just deleted her account! uwoooh pien ;( Now I'm left with the main one and another one that barely post pic, WTF do I do now? The one that just gone is the posting depressing food pic girl too! How am I going to make my food look like a king's feast with just a twitter post now? oh god

| >>1022890
I use I2p but you can want port forwarding for private trackers (and you’re supposed to use your res ip but that’s what going outside is for ;). ) anyway I set up an eastern euro vps.

Thanks for the info on getting a poppy. I tried vrchat once but it was kids messing around in the room I was in and there was a circle of trans girls chatting but it seemed weird to but in. Anyway saw a friend recently so that helped. I’ll probably vrchat soon.
Is our poppy doing well?

| >>1023127 https://youtu.be/J6ujTlepWo0?si=IoZiC48gy_NgoNyM
I like this yt cook channel meow

| >>1023157 I'm doing alright. Though am really struggling to make new friends. I joined some techy discord servers but am always to scared to actually meet new people even though I really need to

| >>1023211
Relatable but I’m glad to hear our poppy tried! Maybe you can share a little bit of what you’re doing?




| >>1023239 I've mostly just been preparing for college classes to start back up, playing turing complete, learning more circuit board making stuff, cpu architecture, assembly, ect. Very geeky stuff.

| Cute : ) I kinda meant to the discord peeps but I think subconsciously I wanted hear more about poppy.
Poppy how do I prepare for my college classes, and organize my learning for success? They start in a few weeks for me.

| >>1023353 it depends if it's a bullshit class or an actual class. Usually I barely do anything for classes i don't really care about but I actually have a weekly schedule for ones I do, or that i know are gonna be hard. Usually like 1-3 hours of work a day is good enough to pass my classes

| poppy if you had a home server with a 20w power limit what would u do with it

| actually no 15w power limit

| I'd either stack 2-3 raspberry pi's together or use a Celeron or some other type of mini pc.

| I need to replace my monitor, what do you recommend for an economic choice? I have like 60 usd lmao

| >>1023391 just get something used that look alright

| >>1023391
You can often test them out in used shops or buy a used one with pics online

| >>1022795 airVPN is the best paid vpn for torrenting, it's cheap + has network interface binding. but also u can just use any free one

| I'm masturbating to Shondo rn. what do you think about that?

| Hey popy, when is this stinky thread finally getting closed?

| Poppy my motorbike is doing good thank you! When this thread closes, where should I ask my questions?
My iPhone screen got cracked, but I had found the screen protector didn’t fit well under the otterbox case. Would it have been reasonable to try to cut it down in retrospect?
I thought the screen had to have a curve or something.
What would you have done?
I’m still going to use it til it becomes nonfunctional-how do I buy a good used phone then?

| >>1023672 I dunno mrow
>>1023685 I dunno mrow
>>1023695 that's good :3, and I dunno just ping me on danger/u/ discord or something. Personally I don't like screen protectors, if I had that same situation I'd of just returned it sense it doesn't fit and gotten one that did. Used phones are harder to come by but I'm sure you can find them in ur local area off Facebook or Wal-Mart, or eBay

| Hey Poppy, how does it feel knowing you've made the only AMA in this site's history where OP actually answered anything?

| >>1023726
Don't answer this pls

| >>1023727 okay :3

| Thoughts on poppy from the hit game league of legends?

| Thoughts on the poppy flowering plant?

| Thoughts on poppy the heavy metal rock singer?


| >>1023762 I love them

| >>1023763 I will update you after listening to them

| if there's a rock band called poppy is there also a pop band called rocky?

| Yes

| how often do you play tis 100 oppy




| >>1023872 never heard of it so, never

| Poppy I replaced the battery in my friend’s laptop because it wasn’t recognizing the old one, which I foolishly disposed of. Now it’s not recognizing the new one! It gave some codes or something when I did the BIOS check thing (it turns on with the charger but he said his charger is really underpowered for what it needs)
I’m going to buy a charger rated for it online with my frog toothpaste squeezer, should I order another battery do you think?

| Also what other diagnosis steps would you take? Is there anything else I should acquire while making the order? I have a multimeter.

| I'd get the battery yeah, if you KNOW it's battery related then it can only be one of 3 things, 1 the actual battery itself, 2 the charging, or 3 the component that identifys the battery.

| Thanks poppy! I was totally telling myself I could save money with just the charger hahaha

How was poppy’s day? Did you learn anything cool?

| >>1024397 it was okayyy, cleaned my room up, did laundry, getting ready for college classes starting up tmmr. I didn't really learn much today but yesterday I was learning about how to make functions in assembly using 'call' and 'ret'. Am almost done making my 32bit cpu.

| >>1024408
go go poppy and her familia popilia! mine starts in a week and a half, tell me if there's anything I should do ok? I'm gonna go clean my room now. The cpu is cool but I'm not really smart enough to understand.

| Will you be interested to be a soldier in my empire? The Lunch Empire!

| >>1024469 yesssss.. gib me foob..

| How does it feel to be the one letting in (more) mentally ills into /u/discord

| >>1025098 honestly I barely feel like it actually makes a difference, because most people in /u/ are already kinda crazy

| What are the chances of us hooking up if I were to dm you?

| What are the chances of us hooking up if I were to remove that other g/u/rl from the equation?

| >>1025265 >>1025270
Very low, after my last relationship I just feel really bleh about getting into a new one

| I was also sharpening my blade for >>1025270 and>>1025265
Thank you for sparing our hearts poppy.
So what’s the chance of us poppyfans hooking up ^^
And poppy how do you take and review class notes?

| >>1025280 who knows
And for notes I use a program called keepnote for my classes, it has a similar structure to visual studio code just built for notes. I make a new page per each area of subject, or class. And to study I literally just re-read the parts I need over and over till I have most of it memorized.

Total number of posts: 179, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1724403599

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