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we should introduce /u/pvotes

| title says it all
also we should make it possible for us to pay loads of money so we can get a fancy glowing username and emoticons should be put behind a paywall

| funny

| Imagine not knowing about /u/pass

| >>1019192 Wild how many "g/u/rls" don't got /u/pass but ig there's been a lot of new people coming in

| >>1019254
C-can I pay in c-cum? It's all I h-have. Please don't make my c-cry : (

| >only /u/Pass™️ members can see this comment

| Just get /u/pass.

| >she still doesn't know about /u/pass
Lurk more newg/u/rl.

| you get your /u/pass only if you're a true burg adept

| >only /u/Pass™️ members can see this comment

| >only /u/Piss™️ members can see this comment. Drink the /u/Piss™️ to reveal.

| >only /u/Pass™️ members can see this comment

| I can't read your comments g/u/rls :(

| >only /u/Pass™️ members can see this comment

| >only /u/Pass™️ members can see this comment

| >>1019427
Slurp slurp slurp thanks gurl I was thirsty

| /u/Pass™️ should get a free daily nft

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1720669456

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