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Fucking hell I want to die

| I fucking hate it all... Everything in life has gone wrong and wherever I look there are only memories that remind me of all the mistakes I've made... Why the fucking am I still alive, I should have been dead ages ago, what stupid fucking plan do these fucking gods have for me that they keep me alive...

| Which polytheistic deities do you serve?

| You should try cutting

| >puts her life in the hands of undisclosed deities
>wonders why it's shit
every time with you *theists

| >>1018797 already do
>>1018798 fuck else could it be? I've had so many near death experiences yet for some fucking reason I can't seem to actually die. Some dickhead up there is having a laugh.

| >>1018798 You don't get it. Just ONE more virgin sacrifice and all my problems will be solved. It'll work this time.

| you should try estrogen

| >>1018883 kill yourself you subhuman fuck

| >>1018805
Quantum immortality. You'll never die

| >>1018883 You get it. Just ONE more dose of estrogen and all my problems will be solved. It'll work this time.

| Nah on second thought the virgin sacrifices were cheaper.

| start with sorting your desk, at least you'll understand how fixing something feel like
I bet you have a lot of paperwork to sort in your mind, the more tragic the better the lesson

| >>1018893 they just simply have to legalize recreational estrogen, world happiness achieved

| Part of you wanta to live elae you would not be here venting to an anonymous board online.

You have dark thoughts right now but some part of you is afraid of death or feels deep down there is something worth living for.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1720226511

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