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if pictures could talk

| memories would be alive
we'd know what we were thinking when we were kids
your framed childhood picture would probably whisper "you know you aren't what i wanted you to be"

| I think my framed childhood picture would actually say "WOW! You managed to beat Bowser in Super Mario Galaxy!? That's awesome!" and then we'd mock high-five.

Cool song though.

| Fuck you kid you don’t know what I do.

| >>1018821 what did you do gurl?

| Fail at some dreams, and gain a few be others.
Kid me still had waaaay more love for it all though

| we invented the talking picture show it does NOT say ANY OF THAT

| >>1018920
Oh shit

| if pictures could talk i might bother getting myself one of those waifu bodypillows

| That's called a video, op

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1720238630

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