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| On the other side, life is short.
Anything idea of something worthwhile to use it on beside for >sex and >drugs?

| Sex on drugs?

| Things like sex like cuddling
Or like drugs like thrilling sports, focused activities

| meow

| The ONLY goal in life is to pray to the maids every day and night.

| "life is short"

lives for 80 years

| >>1018691 not when I kill myself at mid twenty. Checkmate liberal

| >>1018691 that's not much tho

| >>1018632
I bet you'd look a lot less short if you wore striped thigh high socks and a skirt. The stripes provide an optical illusion that makes your legs look longer, as does the short skirt.

| >>1018738 what if op is 50k years old?

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1720128836

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