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Let's talk about ideal life

| Yea. Talk about it.

| I guess my dream life would be with me being a top grade hardware engineer earning a good paycheck while working in flexible schedule, partly online, partly in a lab. While working online, I could drive off to a countryside house and work from there.

Or doing all above, but being a cool boot/sneaker designer. Ideally -- swapping from the hardware designer to shoemaker.

And having enough time to develop indie games as well, lol.

| >>1018199
>Top grade
What's that? Rocket science?
Alabama? Tenesee?
What about long term plan? When you can't even walk anymore
>Indie game
Seems like a far stretch. Why so?

| a house in the country, a polycule of 6 plus our kids, enough birds to feed half the county

| I'm living it

| All I ask for to reach my ideal life is for OPs to contribute to their own threads instead of expecting everyone else to do it for them.

| sweaty mechanic gf doing maintenance on my mechanical body

| making vr tech and living that Tonikaku Kawaii!! life

| >>1018204 damn. Where's this bird from then

>>1018206 describe
>>1018209 uh huh
>>1018213 damn. You can do that everywhere

>>1018214 fuck. On the streets?

| Have sex and have fun.

| Have sex and have fun

| I deal in lives too.

| My ideal life would be me, becoming a God of my own simulation in Full Dive Virtual Reality, leaving the physical world forever, and choosing to be a digital consciousness living like a God in my desired simulation
I don't give a fuck about anything else

| >>1018367
Ok Kayaba

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1719872813

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