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All nighter moment

| What's your favorite thing to do (that is not jacking off) during an all nighter? Personally, a long night of music listening while chatting with strangers online- talking about stuff, life, hoobies and such, is a weirdly satisfying experience. I don't know, connecting with people from far away at a time where the world is asleep, feels otherworldly cozy. What about the rest of y'all?

| Eroge

| Get indigestion from probably bad tuna

| There is no such thing as bad tuna

| There definetly exists species of tuna that taste like ass.

| >>1018173 Literally me but vrchat and/or horror games

| >>1018216 x2

| >>236f75 tuna that has been hit by a solar flare

| >>236f75 tuna that has been breaded in asbestos

| >>1018229 yummy

| Anyone know how I get to /comfy/?

| Sleep

| I love sex.

| I like to sit in my room and go from phone to PC without feeling satisfied by anything then jörk off

| Grinding 22 year old jrpgs and yearning for grave

| Realize I'm fucking old, when game from 2002 considered ancient

| vrchat or chilling with music online yea

| Sleep

| Why did you say the N word

| Having sex

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1720106409

This thread is permanently archived