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Just found a phone in my pocket

| So I’m really dumb and thought I had lost a phone tip that a client had given me. I’m cleaning up my room and what do I find in my pants? A phone.

Yes, I’m really dumb.

I’m gonna have a great lunch today :))

| Crunchy phone mmmmm

| >Yes, I’m really dumb.

You have to be if you think this thread is funny.

| >You have to be if you think this thread is funny.

Yes, I’m really dumb.

| >>1018113
>implying there are still smart people on this site

| op is neutral. the real dumb motherfuckers are the ones arguing intelligence isn't real

| >>1018134
This isn't the first self-burn you've dealt to yourself here on dangeru lmao

| >>1018181 >proving her point

| >>1018195
>Trying too hard: The post

| Please stop fighting you're both lovely and smart gurls : ) kiss

| I can reason with this ending

| >Please stop fighting you're both lovely and smart gurls : ) kiss

>I can reason with this ending

| >disregard that. i suck cocks!

| Sucks u : )

| >Sucks u :)

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1719788857

This thread is permanently archived