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@trans g/u/rls

| i think you're the best <3

| Particularly one trans g/u/rl : 3
(If that’s what you like to be) : )

| how can trans g/u/rls be real if boys aren't real?

| >>1018088 i know at least one boy

| >>1018098
You think you do : )

| >hyphenated-g/u/rls
t. roosevelt

| >>1018088 transitioned from tomboy to femgirl

| >>1018088
Well g/u/rls gotta come from somewhere. Is like how larva turn into butterflies!!

| >>1018088 the only "men" on the internet are femboys

| I actually like trans girls more than cis girls, probably cause I'm also a trans girl. If ur a trans gurl I'll be ur friend and or gf

| >>1018137 wowowow do you wanna be friends and or girlfriends? I'm trans too :3

| >>1018331 oh my goshhhh yes :3

| Trans girls's sumbissiveness is infinitely more superior than cis girls
And that's a fact!

Every now and then when I visit /lgbt/ (4chan), the trans girls are always there saying things like:
"i wanna have a bf so baaad omg"
"i i crave boysmell but no one wantz to give their boysmell to me, girlies what should i do"
or even "i loove my bf/boys/men so much hnhnhnhhhgg"
And also "please someone r4p3 me"

This amazing display of feminity is hard to find among cisgrls
I lovtgirl

| >>1018360 this is because trans girls are incredibly based

| Sorry I meant that as a reply to >>1018363

| Having sex and having fun is nice. Being mean and letting stupid people make decisions is bad. Being cute and hugging your friends is good. I just want everyone to be gurls together. We shouldn’t compete about femininity when some people have to be losers. I don’t have the solution, but sending love and cum to my gurls.

| >>1018388 you're the most real g/u/rl here. Respect.

| >>1018394

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1719883888

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